Tamy Bjorklund
1 min readJul 26, 2017


Sean, I am grateful for your article. here are my burning questions

a. how do I buy a safe secure wallet and store my cryptocurrency that I may buy? after buying the wallet and storing my keys, what additional steps do I need to take in order to make a transaction e.g., spend/buy?

b. how do I safe store my public and private keys and still have easy access to the keys and don’t loose the keys?

c. how much do I pay on an crypto exchange to buy ‘bitcoin’ (generic term). What exchanges are the easiest and least expensive to use? Do you recommend using simple FX to access exchanges to buy or sell cryptocurrency? What exchanges are safe and reliable to use?

d. How do I invest in Ethereum? Do you mean buy into the platform or the ether currency? Should I get classic ethereum or the other ether?

e. Is there a crypto index for the space to invest in and how to invest in it?

f. How do I get PROME Biologic Intelligence general: is it free? or do I buy it using cryptocurrency?

g. How do I invest in FundYourselfNow? Are there similar investments like this?

h. Life time investment: Never sell?: Do you never sell 30 or more years? If I never sell mean I leave it alone and never do anything again with it?

i. Long term investment: does that mean hold no less than 5 yrs, 10 yrs. 20 yrs, 30 yrs?

