4 / Another Idea..

tammy koh
3 min readMay 20, 2022


So previously, I mentioned that I want to experiment with Idea [2] Experiencing Seasons. But as I was trying to put my thoughts into words, I thought of another idea related to traveling, and I think this idea can be feasible upon further development. So here’s Idea [3]..

As mentioned previously, Singaporeans love traveling, especially free and easy. That being said, traveling independently means that research and homework have to be done: understanding a foreign language, understanding and following the country’s culture, learning to read the currency, accommodation etc.

Below are some problems faced when traveling free and easy.
Problems in the blue post-its are found from World Packers.
Problems in pink post-its are from personal experience.

Yeah, I understand some of the problems like “Getting mugged/robbed” or “Getting sick” is really beyond anyone’s control (unless you’re god) and it will be difficult to work on anything that tackles this. But I’m really focusing and leaning towards “understanding culture”, and “not speaking the native language”.

Both problems can be taught to travelers, mitigating the cultural and language differences.

I also notice how people (myself included) tend to be more confident towards the end of the trip when they become more familiar with the culture and lifestyle there (after all, “practice makes perfect”.)

With that, I hope to educate people (especially those on free and easy) about a foreign country’s lifestyle (language, cultures etc.) by allowing people to familiarise themselves with the country’s lifestyle before their trip. This will help to streamline and improve their overall overseas experience.

Hence, my How Might We (HMW) Statement:

How might we
leverage on interactive digital media to educate on a country’s way of life
in order to
familiarise foreigners with the country and improve one’s free and easy traveling experience.

In order to stay rooted and not get confused by my concept, I’m going to add on the 5W1H according to the HMW Statement.

WHO: Travelers that enjoy free and easy traveling; are keen to learn more about another country before traveling there
WHAT: Educate them on a foreign country’s culture and lifestyle
WHEN: Before they physically travel to the foreign country
WHERE: Digitalised, preferably on their mobile phones or even desktops (more research needed on TA)
WHY: allow people to familiarise themselves with the particular country’s lifestyle before physically heading there, streamlining their travel experience
HOW: Gamification? Off the top of my head, I’m thinking of a mixture of Duolingo (Langauge Learning App) and Animal Crossing (Switch Game). So it’ll interactive, yet relevant and educational.

Two characters interact in Animal Crossing. But in my project, I’m envisioning a dialogue between characters in a foreign language, educating them on simple phrases.

Gamification is really just one method I can think of. I’m really open to more media, but I just have to get more inspiration..
Honestly, this was an idea for a storytelling project (where I have to HAVE a main character) but there’s really no main character in this one since everyone IS the main character.

To date, education is the second top adoptor for gamification (right after retail). Almost 80% of learners are more productive with gamified practices. Some popular gamification techniques also include: progressing to different levels, scores, avatars, and virtual currencies. So that’s my justification as to why gamification is productive for learning. But again, open to new ideas for media!!!

The mentioned idea is directly from my brain. Any idea that coincides is purely coincidental. Any references have been mentioned.
That being said, please do not steal, thank you xo.

Now that I’ve established my concept, the next few posts will cover the Research Plan, Market Scan, Stakeholder Map, Discussion Guide, Interviews, Persona.

