9.4 / TL;DR of interview insights

tammy koh
4 min readMay 29, 2022


This segment is a summary of the insights from Interviewee N, Interviewee K, and Interviewee B. The detailed context and insights for each can be found by clicking the links to their names.


  • They mostly travel free and easy as it provides freedom and control of the destination and duration spent.
  • A factor considered when choosing the time to fly is price.
  • A factor considered when choosing the accommodation is its location and price (has to be at least near the central).
  • Common pain points between the 3 include:
    unfamiliarity with the transport system,
    not fully understanding the native language, and
    needing some time to get used to certain cultures.
  • They think that learning a country’s culture and some of its native languages can improve the travel experience.
  • All of them leverage other travelers’ experiences (be it bloggers or friends) into their own.
  • The preferred channel for all is digital channels, especially through an app.
  • All agree that it is important to travel with an open mind.
  • Reading vs Experiencing a country is different. One may understand what the country offers, but feels something completely different after experiencing it first-hand.
  • One factor they will all like to see included in the final product/medium is the inclusion of cultural teachings.


Planning for the trip

Each interviewee has different ways to plan their trip.

Reaction to the country’s culture

Not all of the cultures experienced by the three interviewees were expected beforehand. Though they agreed that being open-minded is important, not all of them could accept parts of the country’s culture.

Learning a foreign language

None of them have properly learned another language before (except B who attempted French in Duolingo but failed from the lack of discipline).
This is their individual take on how they will approach learning a foreign language.

Types of transport taken

The transport system differs for every country, making it frustrating and scary for some. The 3 interviewees explained the way they move around the city.

Suggestions of what product can improve their travel experience

All suggestions are visualized on digital platforms. Each of their suggestion tackles their ongoing pain points.

After comparing the interview insights, I understand each interviewee’s personality and traveling style better:

N travels quite a bit and is a neat planner. She schedules her time and plans her itinerary well overseas, with the help of TikTok and travel blogs. Though reliant on her Korean friend most of the time, she does garner interest at the end of the trip to learn more about the country herself (after the exposure to their way of life).

K travels the most out of the 3. She does plan her itinerary, though it’s subject to change as she travels intuitively. She relies heavily on her friend’s reviews and TikTok when deciding where to go. Throughout her travel experience, she never felt much urge or motivation to learn more about a foreign country, until it concerns her own journey there.

Though B doesn’t seem to travel much, and when he does, he plans the least out of the 3. When he plans, he generally just uses google to search for the best-reviewed place. He’s open to adventures and seems the most interested in learning a foreign country’s culture.

Audio recordings of all three convos can be found here.
Individual convos are also linked to the interviewee’s detailed content & insights.

With these insights from the interviewees, I’ll be creating two personas in the next segment.

