Tea Cupping And It’s Importance

Tanay Sharma
6 min readJun 13, 2017


Tea Cupping

What is Tea Cupping?

Tea measuring is a procedure of tasting and assessing the nature of free leaf tea. Tea measuring is a procedure that incorporates a number strides and is a fundamentally imperative technique since tea quality differs broadly. Tea measuring is a mix of craftsmanship and science that is utilized by tea significant others all through the world to keep up tea quality and tea drinking fulfillment.

Indeed, even tea from a similar shipment, tea garden and handling group can vary in taste and tea measuring is a perfect approach to guarantee quality control. What’s more, for some tea consumers, the learning that a tea provider appropriately containers its tea adds to the tea drinking background.

The advantages of tea measuring empower the tea consumer to pick the best tea for their taste and insightful tea consumers buy tea online from providers who container every single imported trunk of tea.

Test Steps of Tea Cupping-A Black Tea Example

The term measuring is utilized to depict the examination and tasting of various teas to decide quality, taste, fragrance, energy, body and shading. Measuring comparative teas and looking at them against each different empowers one to decide best esteem when making a buy. Measuring a tea independent from anyone else will enable you to comprehend the attributes of that specific tea.

Proficient testers utilize comparable techniques in measuring teas. Consistency is the most imperative piece of measuring. On the off chance that one starts to build up a specific method for measuring teas, keep up that technique for all teas.

Prior to the tea is tasted be that as it may, a physical review of the leaves is performed and regard for the bundle of the example is likewise part of the procedure. Generally, appropriate measuring depends on a comprehension of the aggregate introduction of the tea leaf.

Appearance and Smell of the Dried Leaf

To begin with, look at the dried leaf. Dark tea for instance, ought to be dull (blackish-darker) and all around contorted, which shows great wilting. An open, level leaf mixes rapidly; a firmly wound leaf takes more time to imbue and will give a superior second glass. When all is said in done, the leaf ought to be little, hard, very much rolled, and uniform in appearance.

The dry leaves can be pressed to test the strength of the leaf, which means that youthful tea. This strategy for judging the nature of tea is utilized for dark teas. The appearance and possess an aroma similar to the dried leaf are not deciding variables of value in green and oolong teas.

Taking after the preparatory measuring steps, the tea is prepared for the tasting some portion of the procedure.

As a rule, a similar care required with the examination of the unsteeped tea leaves must be kept up amid the soaking procedure.

Immaculate Water is Required

Purged, oxygenated water is best while setting up your tea for tasting. Utilize water that has all minerals and different contaminants expelled and oxygen added to guarantee a crisp clean taste. Evacuate contaminants on the grounds that even crisp, clean water contains minerals that influence the essence of tea.. Fill a pot with water and heat to the point of boiling.

Utilize the Proper Amount of Tea

Tea is measured per glass by weight not volume. Contingent upon the measure of the tea and the degree the tea is handled teas of equivalent weight may differ in their volumes. To set up your tea for measuring, pour two grams (roughly an indistinguishable weight from a U.S. dime) into a six to eight ounce container and pour the crisp bubbling water specifically onto the clears out.

Watch Steeping Time Limits — Don’t Over Steep

The soaking procedure which discharges the flavor from the tea leaves has a specific time restrict. Following five minutes of soaking, the acids in the leaf start to soak into the container making an intense taste.

Next, look at a powerless imbuement of tea. In the event that dark or oolong tea has not been aged sufficiently long, the implantation will be obviously splendid in shading and the leaf will have a green tint. A dull green mixture shows deficient shrinking and over-aging. An implanted tea with a green-yellow tint shows sharpness and a rich brilliant leaf connotes quality; a rosy leaf demonstrates full rich alcohol, while a dim leaf will deliver a poor quality basic tea.

Idealize black tea will be full, rich, and thick looking in the container, rich in shading with a brilliant, shimmering appearance instantly in the wake of pouring. Oolong teas will turn shady or “cream down” as the tea cools.

A green tea that has an unmistakable green-yellow of green-brilliant shading in a frail mixture is a youthful, early picked leaf. A dull, dormant dim yellow shading signifies old or poor quality tea. The lighter the alcohol, the more youthful the leaf and the better the tea is. Notice the feeble implantation to get some sign of the character of the tea and to distinguish conceivable consuming amid terminating.

It would be ideal if you take note of that a few teas require a more drawn out soaking time (seven minutes for Oolongs) and a few teas require a shorter soaking time (three to four minutes for green teas and Darjeelings). Toward the finish of the recommended time, pour off the tea from the leaves to end the soaking.

Particular Requirements for Different Types of Tea

Similarly as with any control, there are special cases. The guidelines recorded above will be utilized for about each dark tea you taste. In any case, a few teas require an alternate procedure to draw out the genuine kind of the leaf.

Green and White Teas: Green and white teas don’t oblige you to completely heat up the water. Pour the water from the pot just before the water goes to a moving bubble (175° to 185° F). Additionally these teas typically set aside less opportunity to soak. Three to four minutes is adequate.

Oolong Teas: Finer oolong have a substantial, unbroken leaf. Subsequently, they more often than not require additional time in the boiling water to completely discharge the flavonols or catechins, which give the tea its flavor.

An awesome aspect concerning tea is its capacity to be something other than what’s expected to each one who tries it.

These proposals for measuring teas are expansive rules… Nobody way will ever be viewed as the best way to taste and container teas. Analyze, with different sorts of teas with various sums and distinctive soaking times. The most imperative piece of measuring teas is consistency. In the event that there is one thing that is sure, it is that teas will change season when you change the preparing technique and times.

Season Characteristics of the Drinking Infusion

The last stride is to taste the kind of the tea mixture. Measured tea is depicted in three primary ways. The first is the energy, the second is the body, and the third is the fragrance.

Liveliness: Does your mouth pucker?

Body: Does the tea fill your mouth?

Smell: Does the tea have a strong fragrance?

Noting these inquiries will give a sign of the nature of the tea.

In the wake of measuring various tea tests you will take in an extraordinary arrangement about tea and tea quality. Measuring is a continuous procedure that pays profits on the off chance that you appreciate astounding tea.

Continuously attempt to buy best tea online from a provider that glasses each shipment of tea. Those will guarantee that you get the most astounding quality item with the best measure of tea satisfaction.

