Google Cloud Study Jams Triumph: 30 Days, 145 Champs.

Tanay Patil
6 min readNov 23, 2023


Hey everyone! This is Tanay Patil, pre-final year student pursuing B.Tech CSE at Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore. I recently had an incredible opportunity to step into the shoes of a Google Cloud Study Jams facilitator at GDSC AITR. Before I spill the beans on my journey, let’s kick things off by understanding what this Study Jams hoopla is all about.

Demystifying Google Cloud Study Jams:

So, what’s the buzz around Google Cloud Study Jams? It’s a 30-day tech extravaganza orchestrated by GDSC across India. Participants get a golden ticket — a one-month pass to the SkillBoost account by Qwiklabs, offering hands-on training and a backstage pass to the Google Cloud Platform. It’s like a month-long adventure into the cloud, and I was lucky enough to guide this merry band of tech explorers.

The Prelude:

For many, this was just a 30-day journey, but for me and my stellar team at GDSC AITR, it was an epic saga that began in early September. Our mission: to engage as many participants as possible. Here, the creatives team emerged as unsung heroes, crafting posters that were practically pieces of art, igniting participant engagement. The result? A whopping 250+ interest form enrollments. But here’s the catch — we had to manually enter those entries into the official enrollment form. Enter the cloud team, our unsung tech heroes who made the process a breeze.

The Google Cloud Study Jams was not just a program; it was a collective effort to empower and uplift.

The Launch:

Fast forward to October 2nd, and we were all set for our very first session — the induction session. I laid out the roadmap for the Google Cloud Study Jams, and the response was nothing short of electric. Over 180 participants joined the session, brimming with enthusiasm.

And then, on October 3, 2023, our program officially launched. The real marathon of 30 days had begun.

As a facilitator, I didn’t just guide; I witnessed the emergence of individual success stories, each a testament to the potential unlocked through hands-on learning.

Triumphs and Trials:

But, of course, no marathon is without its hurdles. Participants faced challenges, from subscription redemptions to credit discrepancies and lab quota hiccups. As a facilitator, being the go-to person to solve these issues was both challenging and immensely satisfying. Connecting with participants during chill pill meets, navigating through labs, and hosting offline sessions became the heartbeat of our journey.

There were moments when progress seemed stagnant, but Prof. Narendra Pal sir, our faculty coordinator, became the anchor, keeping me motivated and steering the ship forward.

Challenges are the stepping stones to growth. Our team’s ability to navigate obstacles showcased the resilience that defines the spirit of tech enthusiasts.

The Final Stretch:

With over 20 online meets and countless offline sessions, we reached the finish line. A remarkable 145 participants from GDSC AITR completed the Google Cloud Study Jams, earning us a spot in the top 10 among all GDSCs in cohort 2. This achievement wasn’t just about me or the GDSC core team — it was a collective victory, a testament to the dedication of our participants.

Echoes of Feedback: A Melody of Memories

In the wrap-up session held on 5th Nov., participants shared their feedback, echoing the highs and lows of the journey. It was a melody of memories, a reflection of the challenges conquered and the friendships forged. The virtual space buzzed with the shared experiences that will linger as cherished moments in the hearts of all who embarked on this cloud adventure.

Checkout participant’s feedback here: CLICK HERE

Becoming the “Cloud Wale Bhaiya”:

And with that, I, Tanay Patil, have officially earned the title of “Cloud Wale Bhaiya.” The journey was more than a 30-day sprint; it was an exploration, a collaboration, and a celebration of what a passionate community can achieve together.

The Cloud Team’s Message:

Our adventure with GDSC AITR’s Cloud Team has been amazing, securing a top 10 spot among the GDSCs participated in Cohort 2. Beyond everything, our cloud campaign aimed to make a positive impact on the community, creating a feeling of togetherness like a close-knit family.

During the Google Cloud Study Jams Program, our teamwork had a significant impact on the community. We faced challenges in GCP labs and coordination, but we overcame them with our collective commitment. This journey has enriched us by improving our technical skills and soft skills. The strong bond within our team shows our genuine spirit of working together. As Cloud Team members, each minute thing contributed was a step toward success, and every challenge faced was a lesson learned. Here’s to an unforgettable ride, full of excitement, challenges, and unexpected turns. Cheers to the memories, friendships, and the journey in the cloud that shaped us as developers. Being part of GDSC AITR has been a complete learning experience.

-Mohit, Isha, Himanshi

Cloud Team


Celebrating Achievements and Community Spirit:

Beyond the numbers and rankings, what truly stood out was the spirit of community that fueled our journey. The countless online meets turned into virtual hangouts where tech discussions seamlessly merged with laughter and camaraderie. Our participants weren’t just faces on a screen; they became friends on this cloud adventure.

The Impact Beyond the Clouds:

As a facilitator, witnessing the transformation of participants from cloud novices to confident cloud enthusiasts was the ultimate reward. It wasn’t just about completing labs; it was about building a foundation for future tech endeavors.

Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead:

The Google Cloud Study Jams taught a lot more than just technical skills; it taught us the power of collaboration, resilience in the face of challenges, and the joy of shared accomplishments. Looking ahead, the experience has fueled my passion for cloud technologies, and I’m eager to explore even greater heights.

In Conclusion:

In the grand tale of the Google Cloud Study Jams, every participant, every core team member, every lab completed, and every challenge overcome contributed to the success story. Here’s to the cloud and the community that made this journey one for the books! Until next time, keep exploring the cloud, my fellow tech adventurers. 🚀

In my facilitation journey’s final chapter, I confess I might not wear the crown of the best facilitator, yet I proudly say to have an extraordinary and best team along with best participants ever assembled.

