Managed Schema in Snowflake

Rahul Tandon
2 min readSep 7, 2021

Apart from creating Schema in Snowflake , there a feature to Create schema with managed access . Managed access schemas centralize privilege management with the schema owner. In regular schemas, the owner of an object (i.e. the role that has the OWNERSHIP privilege on the object) can grant further privileges on their objects to other roles. In managed schemas, the schema owner manages all privilege grants, including future grants, on objects in the schema. Object owners retain the OWNERSHIP privileges on the objects; however, only the schema owner can manage privilege grants on the objects.

— Create schema with managed access
We have created new schema TEST with managed access using DEV_POWERUSER role . Now ,This role is the owner of TEST schema .

Granted ALL privileges to role DEV_DEVELOPER so that this role can create objects in TEST schema .

— Created a new table employee in TEST schema using DEV_DEVELOPER role .

— Now , As TEST schema is managed schema and created by DEV_POWERUSER role . Though DEV_DEVELOPER has privileges to create the objects but will not be able to grant further privileges to any other role.

Rahul Tandon
Snowflake Certified

