Worth the read? Shiver

2 min readOct 10, 2023

Shiver is a manga collection of nine short horror stories by Junji Ito, featuring a unique blend of supernatural and mundane elements. The book, curated by the author himself, features a commentary and notes for each story, making it an eerie and creepy read. Ito’s signature style is a testament to his unique storytelling style. Some of the stories include:

“Shiver” The story follows Yuuji, who lives next door to a girl named Rina, who cannot leave the house because she has a mysterious illness. She is terrified of the bugs swarming around her, but no one else can see them. Yuuji becomes obsessed with Rina and tries to help her, but things escalate when he discovers the truth about her condition.

“Fashion Model” is a story about Tomoko, a young woman who dreams of becoming a fashion model. She is scouted by a modeling agency, but her journey takes a dark turn when she discovers the agency’s true nature.

“The Long Dream” is a story about Sudo, a man with a unique condition that causes him to live for years in a single day, resulting in faster aging. His fixation with finding a cure leads him down a dark path.

“Honored Ancestors” is a story about Yoko, a young woman engaged to Kazuo. Upon visiting Kazuo’s family home, Yoko discovers his ancestors are still alive and living within the house. They urge Kazuo to start a wedding and ensure Yoko’s pregnancy.

“Greased” is a story about Toshio, a man obsessed with a record playing a single song of a dispassionate female skat singer. He discovers the woman is alive and determined to meet her.

Shiver is a unique horror manga celebrating Ito’s ability to make even ordinary objects, such as a house cat, eerie and disturbing.

Is it worth the read? It is a must-read for horror manga fans and those who enjoy a good scare.

Shiver is available in hardcover and Kindle here.




My aesthetic? Eerie, odd and unsettling.