2 min readAug 1, 2020


I never thought I’d be here trying to explain this chaos named GISH. GISH is one of those things that must have been forged in the darkest depths of a cave, in the deepest oceans, by a master mastermind, under a full moon on a Wednesday to torment anyone who thought a week long scavenger hunt would be a good idea.

Every year it causes ‘unreasonable pain and suffering’ by setting an almighty task list for some poor souls in a team to attempt to complete. On the first day, you would be tricked with so much enthusiasm into thinking that you can do anything! You have the excitableness of a 4 year old going to get ice cream and getting any toy you want on a beautiful summers day.

Mid way through, some would now start to say ‘it seemed like a good idea at the time’, after the gruelling nightmares of trying to stick avocado skins together with glue guns to make a gorgeous pair of shoes into the early hours of day 3. You’ve now lost all concept of Sleep, having lain awake trying to cross stitch an exact replica of an electronic item and have been feeding off the remnants of noodles that you haven’t bought enough of, the left over Easter eggs that you hadn’t got around to and the wine that was for a special occasion but you need to get this done yesterday!

The night of day 6 comes and its complete ANARCHY! No one knows or cares what’s going on now, it’s every one for themselves. You partner has hidden somewhere avoiding the wrath of you for they know better than to say or do anything that might anger the beast that you have become, the kids are throwing candy at you to try and keep you nice and you just can’t find that ONE thing that you really need.

By the end, your hair is a mess, you haven’t slept, you have glitter EVERYWHERE, your trousers are on inside out, you have a whole house to clean up as if a bomb has exploded and you smell pretty funky.

But you created some masterpieces out of spices and toilet roll, you sent positive messages of encouragement to those who needed it, you helped bring a community together, you laughed, you stood strong in determination and you had fun. So is it worth the unreasonable pain and suffering? Yes, and it will happen all over again.

So, same time next year?

