Tangible NFTs Series 2 Drop. October 22nd

Tangible NFTs

4 min readSep 26, 2022


The phrase vIRL® NFT has been a core part of the WAX community and how the WAX Blockchain has promoted itself, but with so few vIRL® NFT experiences available there has been a hole in the market.
With the Tangible NFTs Series 2 drop we aim to patch that hole and set the standard for vIRL® NFT experiences on WAX.

Series 2 is coming in hot with 22 1 of 1 vIRL® NFT sneakers, all with their own unique gradient style colorway and theme. Among the 22 sneakers 4 of them are collab vIRLs®, you might have heard of them; Zombie Survival Outbreak, Ultra Rare, Waxy, and the day 1 Anyobservation! With such a wide variety of different colorways and themes it brings an option to everyone’s different styles. Be ready for the date… October 22nd at 2PM EST!

How It Works

Series 2 consists of 22 different packs all leading to their own specific themed 1 of 1 vIRL® sneaker. To get 1 of the 22 vIRL® NFT sneakers is simple, you will be able to buy packs from our Series 2 sale, from the packs you will get threads.(Depending on which of the 22 different packs for different sneakers you choose, you will be getting different threads.)

All of the 5 different rarity threads
All 5 different rarity threads

a) Blends

Threads that are obtained from packs will be used for blending. Blends go as such;

•Collect 3 Common Threads of the same color to blend into 1 Rare Thread

•Collect 3 Rare Threads of the same color to blend into 1 Epic Thread

•Collect 3 Epic Threads of the same color to blend into 1 Legendary Thread

•Collect 3 Legendary Threads of the same color blend into 1 Mythic Thread

Once you blend to the Mythic rarity, the blend recipe changes slightly to get to the next rarity. You’ll need to collect the 3 different colored Mythic Threads that make up the vIRL® NFT sneaker you are going for.(All necessary threads will be in the sneakers respective pack.)

When all 3 different colored Mythic Threads have been obtained, you have entered the endgame! Using those threads you can blend them into the next rarity, the Tangible Ticket. Tangible Tickets are highly desired and will be a source of excitement for many, but it is not your normal blend, it is used for Super Blending.(A super blend is a blend but with a percent chance success rate.)

b) Tangible Ticket

The Tangible Ticket has a 30% chance success rate, therefore making it a source of excitement… It is a game of chance! Many will want to test there luck but for others the Tangible Ticket will be a source of profit on secondary markets, as they will be crucial in obtaining the vIRL® NFT sneaker. If you take the chance and fail it is important to know that all is not lost, in return you will get an Elite Pack.(Elite packs are of higher rarity than your normal pack, they contain 1 Mythic, 3 Legendaries, and 3 Epics.) If your Ticket does Super Blend successfully, you will receive a Tangible Pool Entry.

c) Tangible Pool Entry

The Tangible Pool is the last lap of the race. Once you have made it this far, this is where your luck will be needed most! The Pool Entry rules are as follows; 1 week after the date and time of the drop anyone who has made it to the pool in the last 5 days of that week are eligible to be airdropped the vIRL® NFT their Pool belongs to. For example if the drop happened on a Monday at 3 PM, 5 days after on Saturday at 3 PM the pools that have been opened up will be locked in for the Monday drawing of the vIRLs®. Any Pools that have been opened in the last 2 days of the week will roll over into the next weeks drawing. Each drawing of the winners will be held live on stream, the anticipation and excitement will be at its PEAK!!

Any extra questions can be answered on our Discord, JOIN UP!


Helpful Links:

Website- https://tangiblenfts.io/home







Tangible NFTs is a project that brings custom designed unique vIRL(Physically Redeemable) NFTs to WAX with an experience like none other.