Development update: 4th April 2019

Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2019

Since our last update, the team at Tangram have been working hard on finalising the upcoming test-net release so that we can begin testing portions of the Tangram protocol and code ‘as is’.

Due to some bugs found during the initial test-net release internally, there are some items that need to be ironed out.

In preparation for our upcoming test-net, the vulnerability patch progress has paused until test-net preparations have been finalised.

Notable Changes

  • Upgraded Tor package [ffb0ce]
  • Kill tor process when exiting wallet [4fae311]
  • Message padding fixes [e0988d1]
  • Read redemption key from file [8bce122]
  • Added wallet message options when not sending to message pool [147b762]
  • Added torrc transport plugin obfs4proxy [05d2d2e]
  • Added nuget Secp256k1-ZKP.Net dependency [0518f51]
  • Upgrade Tangram.Tor to fix Windows build [870fef4]
  • Automatically download Vault when packaging wallet [82f2e2]
  • Fix hard-coded Vault hashes [5663bd]
  • Added shell progress bar [a0938d]
  • VaultService cleanup [6da62f]
  • Added staging environment test-net/main-net [9f1463e]
  • Address encoding fix [6966f4]
  • Fixed multiple tor process being launched. Refactored torrc config [b6736c5]
  • Added tor change circuit (when wallet sends a transaction, IP address changes) [d63fb19]
  • Update Tangram.Tor package
  • Fix Tor process-start path for Windows
  • Onion service tweaks
  • SWIM refactoring
  • Setting up Test Controller for Integration tests

Contributions to wallet code from community

With the recent release and open-sourcing of our CLI wallet code and our call for contributions we have had numerous developers get in touch and inquire how they may provide contributions to the code. We are excited to see this interest, and will be highlighting all contributions herewith.

We would like to thank the present community contributor(s) and all future contributors to the project.

  • Nullable type removal [2ef8ac0]
  • Null check removal [0aaaceb]
  • ulong.MinValue is 0 so this condition is not needed [44428a4]
  • JSON improvements [96eb8ce]

Thinking of contributing?

Connect with any of the Core and / or Community managers (see below channels) OR simply create an issue / pull request!

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Tangram was created with a singular vision: to inspire, mobilize and empower a new generation of cypherpunks.