Bitconf Brasil — 2018



We are pleased to announce that Tangram is going to attend and participate at Bitconf Brasil 2018. Bitconf is one of the biggest Blockchain and cryptocurrency event in Latin America. This year it will be held in Fortaleza — Brasil, from the 16th to 17th of November and is the 7th edition of Bitconf.

It will feature names in the open-source community such as Jon “Maddog” Hall, from Linux International and representatives from global companies such as Microsoft and IBM.

Past editions of Bitconf have taken place in Brazil’s South, Southeast and Midwest regions. This will be the very first time it shows up on the Northeast side of Brasil. Bitconf is a special event in Brasil and includes many lectures with speakers from across the blockchain community which provides a unique opportunity to amplify your network of contacts and get to know people within the Brazilian cryptocurrency community.

As a summary, Tangram will be speaking about the concept of privacy and why it is important as a fundamental human right, leading to the governance of privacy and how Tangram plans to protect, educate and actively engage in the space.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the event. Bitconf Summer Edition will be a great opportunity to get to know you, the community, as well as spread and engage with the cryptocurrency community.

See you in November!

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Tangram was created with a singular vision: to inspire, mobilize and empower a new generation of cypherpunks.