Important Tangram Development Update

Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2019

Dear Tangram community and followers. First of all, we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year, and apologize for the long delay since our last communication. As you have noticed, the tentative deadline outlined in the last update has been missed, as at this point in time we are not ready to proceed with the audit.

One week ago, our developers discovered a critical flaw in the protocol, relating to transaction history linkability. This vulnerability potentially allowed an adversary to analyze the ledger and get a range of a user’s transaction history with values which would become more accurate over time. As privacy preservation is at the center of the Tangram protocol, this is unacceptable and needs to be addressed before we can advance any further in our roadmap. A solution has been identified and its implementation is currently being worked on. Once in place, the solution also needs to be thoroughly tested and evaluated before progressing.

We understand that this is disappointing news. We also recognize that for a year now, we have built a strong community that has proved very supportive on multiple occasions.

Besides converting the entirety of the codebase to C#, our developers have been working on implementing consensus, refactoring elements of the code, optimizing it and fixing the discovered vulnerability. Good progress has also been made on the new CLi light wallet which will be released soon in a compiled executable, which will be available for Windows users and thereafter Linux and macOS.

In our view, communicating exact dates has not been beneficial to the project so far. While we will keep working with internal deadlines, we will not publicly reveal them in detail any more. Despite this setback, our roadmap stays the same. Once this vulnerability is fixed, we will be close to auditing the critical parts of the protocol, after which Tangram will be ready for open sourcing of its last version, main net launch and distribution.

More regular updates and discussions around the published code and the story of the Tangram design will be published in the time leading up to the audit. Thank you for your continued support.

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Tangram was created with a singular vision: to inspire, mobilize and empower a new generation of cypherpunks.