Can your flock, FLOCK with us?!

Tangy Shaw
4 min readApr 28, 2018


Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Building Your Team with Likeminded People

… “Birds of a feather flock together”-William Turner

  • Give something of value to increase a response, rather it’s a gift or information that’s limited. When people feel indebted to you it’s a neuro-marketing tactic in social media which leaves a person intrigued and bids a response.
  • Using emotional triggers creates an authenticity of a connection with an individual. How? When interacting with your followers there needs to be an emotional connection that’s meaningful. This opens a gateway of communication and begins forming a relationship amongst both parties. For me, I use laughter 98% of the time, because there’s no limitations and it hits all facets of discussion.
  • To build your credibility, begin to partner up with trusted authorities. When building a relationship, you must have trust with your audience and take the first step in initiating it Shane Barker (2016). Remember to find your target listener and build with authority figures who can partner with you and build your credibility! At the end of the day, we want the right people in our corner as we rise and having the right back support will get you there!

The Benefits of Homophily!

Homophily is the preference associated with people that that have the love of the same thing Aaron Retica (2016), but not all homophily can be considered the same. What does that mean? Even though homophily groups of people have the same thoughts about a subject, they could be different ethnicity, have different religion values or different gender. The benefit of homophily, is bridging the gaps of our differences in which we can globally discuss a subject and use one platform with likeminded people which is an increased positive on social systems. Facebook for instance, I noticed when I did not join certain groups I had an average of about 800 friends, when I began joining weight challenges and business forums my friends list grew to 3,600! With this increased following I was able to link up with fellow business owners and gain knowledge on how to build my brand. With the knowledge gained, and my networking skills I can now say as positive I’ve received my business license.

Photo by Simon Connellan on Unsplash

The Algorithm of Social Media

Facebook for instance uses algorithms by how often you interact with each post, and by far algorithms are what social media is built upon AJ Agrawal (2016). This algorithm includes the following:

*How many people hide certain post because they aren’t interested

*How many likes one page gets, which would confirm levels of engagement

*Studying the users acts made after the post has been viewed

“Close-up of web analytics on a computer screen” by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash

Even though Facebook changes its algorithms constantly, at the end of the day, these key factors will always play a huge factor when dealing with multiple users. This system helps help’s the user be more engaged wanting to return either for a current argument or discussion post. One thing I’ve also noticed when I was on Facebook is that it would begin posting new range rover vehicles and online colleges. Why? I had recently began looking up school information online and car dealerships for range rovers and Voila, the next day I had additional knowledge on my news feed.

Key Points!

Advise and use valid information to make your audience return to your post while building your credibility. Build a relationship between you and the user remembering to use emotional triggers. Don’t forget to build an algorithm for your site which takes a little know how but, with time and patience you can do it! Remember to pay attention to who reads and responds to your post, make the appropriate documentation on the what, when and why, so the next time you post you know what will be your eye catcher! With these key factors, you will be a successful blogger and social media connoisseur! No Go ROCK out with your FLOCK out!



AJ Agrawal (2016)

Shane Barker (2016)

Aaron Retica (2016)'t-forget



Tangy Shaw

Facts of Life… Keep it blunt so you wont get out “blunted” -Tangy