6 Things That Blair Waldorf Taught Us

The iconic leading lady gave us a lot more than just looks.

Tania Zoghbi
5 min readOct 9, 2018

For so many of us, Gossip Girl was indeed our ‘one and only source to the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite’. With the unforgettable and terrifyingly beautiful cast, the show worked as an artistic zeitgeist for the upper-class socialites of New York City in the early 2000s. While some may argue that golden girl Serena Van der Woodsen was the leading lady, the cunning and beguiling Blair Waldorf was truly the heroine. With her scheming ways becoming her art throughout the show, she portrayed a strong and unshakeable woman, hell bent on leaving behind a legacy of her own; doing so in her ever-dashing outfits. Through all of her feats in love, in her career, and in her life, Blair Waldorf left us with some lasting words of wisdom.

  1. “Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.” (S3E19 ‘Dr Estrangeloved’)
Source: Tumblr

One marked trait of Blair Waldorf’s personality is her relentlessness in every journey she set out on. Whether it was one of her infamous take downs — the final demise of Bart Bass being iconic in my opinion — her unwavering pursuit to forge her own path in the elite New York City society, or her incessant need to make a name for herself both in college and her career, she truly spoke to the importance of going after whatever it is that you desire. Despite being born into a world of wealth with the world at her feet, Blair always worked hard to be stellar at school, at life, and in love.

2. “People don’t write sonnets about being compatible, or novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation. The great loves are the crazy ones.” (S4E22 ‘The Wrong Goodbye’)

Source: Tumblr

Some find Blair glacial and tormenting, yet she led with her heart in everything she did. The story of Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass is one of the greatest of all great love stories. With this quote, Blair resonates with the audience by both acknowledging and illustrating that when it comes to the deepest matters of the heart, the story is very rarely ‘lukewarm’; and she embraces it. While some relationships may be temperamental and complex, Blair highlights that these things will never take away from the love that we have for someone — which is a feeling that most of us have all felt with our own Chuck Bass.

3. “Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they can settle for catfish.” (S4E3 ‘The Undergraduates’)

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If there’s one thing that Blair taught every one who watched her — whether you loved her or not — is that you should always know your worth. She was the Queen B because she truly believed she was. She taught us that our own worth should never be determined by what others do to us or how others see us, but rather how we see ourselves. Most of all, she was a muse for us when it came to dealing with the foes we face, and, of course, the Bass-holes we experience.

4. “Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of mimosas.” (S4E12 ‘The Kids Are Not All Right’)

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Has there ever been better advice than this? Blair was unabating in everything she did as she went after everything she wanted; and she encouraged her friends the same way. She was their — and our — voice of reason, and gave cut and dry words when they were needed. She knew what she wanted and seldom accepted an alternative, but when she did, she did so in her witty and scintillating way. In this case, it was by suggesting that a cocktail works as the elixir to anything. And she is not wrong.

5. “What I want is to become a powerful woman.” (S4E7 ‘War at the Roses’)

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Need we say more about this quote when it is more important now than it ever has been for women to be strong? Coming from a woman who has privilege, wealth, and beauty, becoming a ‘powerful woman’ was probably not a necessary undertaking for Blair. But she always made it her mission to do more and to be more, for herself and herself only. She held herself to a high standard and worked tirelessly to get herself where she wanted to be. She inspires us all throughout the series to work hard, be spirited, and be a boss.

6. “Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It’s movement, design, architecture, all in one. It shows the world who we are and who we’d like to be.” (S4E13 ‘Damien Darko’)

Source: PopSugar

To look at the heroine that is Blair Waldorf and not look at her unsurpassed style would be sinister. From her colorful winter coats, designer handbags, alluring lingerie and of course those quintessential headbands, Blair was the embodiment of elegance, class, and the perfect amount of seductions. She made us all want to be put together, with the self-assured attitude to match. While she never, ever wore denim — or even pants for that matter — she did wear Ugg boots once; granted they were a Jimmy Choo collaboration. I mean, how could you not love how iconic and classic her style was?

Through all of friendships, the romances, the social events, and the takedowns, Gossip Girl allowed us to live vicariously through Manhattan’s elite — and, most notably — through the iconic Blair Waldorf. Her forcefulness, style, and wit will make her a timeless leading lady, and in her quotes there will forever be words of wisdom. You know you love her. XOXO.

Thanks for reading!

