Photo by Galina Yarovaya

Are you working with a dull blade or an empty sponge?

Tania Lynne


Why taking time to rejuvenate is essential

Hustle culture. It’s all the rage. Everyone is hustling all the time. The harder you work and the faster you go, the more productive you’ll be, right?


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got plenty of stuff going on too. And I’m all for being super productive. I don’t do the tv thing. I’m the weirdo at my 9 to 5 because I don’t know the name of the newest show, let alone the plot.


Sunday is my day of play and rest. It’s the day I sharpen my saw for the upcoming week. Or, if you prefer, refill my sponge. I take the time to rest, relax, and refill so that I can continue to be productive and meet my daily goals. Taking a whole day to do nothing important refills my motivation and creativity.

Think about this — you can only clean so much with a wet sponge. Eventually, it dries out. Similarly, after using a saw for a while, it dulls. If you try to cut down a tree with a dull blade, it will take you 10x as long. And if you try and clean with a dry sponge?

Take the time to sharpen your blade and reap the benefits. Going full out all the time doesn’t do you any good. Your batteries run low, your productivity slows, and you get frustrated and overwhelmed.

Take care of your body and mind so they can help you accomplish everything you want!

How are you going to refill your sponge today?

As always, much love :)



Tania Lynne

Writer. Heroic Coach. Transformation Specialist. Personal Trainer. Nutritionist. Transforming Trauma into Super Powers. Living life, loving the journey!