Choosing battle.

Tania Zayets
3 min readSep 18, 2019

Goodenough road, in 2013

I can’t recall the name of the visitor, neither the reason why she came for a very short visit then. But what I remember clearly is her face: around 40 years old, light brown skin, short dark curly hair, and the look of her eyes.

She had a warrior spirit in her. She had the face of someone who went through a lot, and her wisdom of life was expressed in “I am tough. You won’t mess with me”.

I’d easily believe she could stand up for herself and demolish all of her demons with one quick “F@@K Off”.

She introduced to me then a new English concept — “Choose well your battles”.
She said to me that she was giving this advice to her young daughter.

Choose your battles.

Scientists say that an average adult in our era of fast life makes around 35,000 decisions a day. Whether we want to or not — we are choosing all the time. Continuously. Hence, developing positive behaviours reinforcing habits such help and otherwise.

But I am not talking about habits here.

Among these 35,000 daily decisions, there will be few important ones, hanging there and not taken. Sometimes for days, sometimes for months, sometimes for lifetimes.



Tania Zayets

Empowerment expert, Social Change Visionary and Leader