Unraveling the Anatomy of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Tanish Rajput
3 min readDec 22, 2023


Being a developer you might have heard from many of your co-workers telling about using CDN to boost the website performance. But why do they say so…

Before we understand how CDN works, we need to understand, what is the issue that CDN resolves!

Now, lets understand what is the issue and how CDN solves the issue with a real life example…

Imagine you’re running a bakery with the most delicious cookies in the world. People from all over come to try them, but sometimes there’s a long line out the door. This is like having a website without a CDN. Everyone has to come to the same server to get their cookies (website content), which can take a long time.

A CDN is like having bakeries in different cities around the world. When someone orders cookies, they go to the bakery closest to them, so they get their cookies much faster. This is what a CDN does for your website. It stores your website’s static content (like images, videos, and JavaScript files) on servers around the world, so visitors can get it from the server closest to them, making your website load much faster.

What is CDN?

A CDN, short for Content Delivery Network, is a network of servers located around the world. Each global server hosts an exact copy of your site’s static files.

How does a CDN work?

When a user requests a webpage part of a CDN, the request is redirected to the nearest server. For instance, if someone in Paris requests content from a U.S.-based server, the CDN will route this request to the closest European server. This reduces the travel time of data, ensuring faster content delivery and improved user experience.

Anatomy of a CDN

Ok, so at this point, we’ve covered how CDNs work in theory. But what are the hardware elements that actually go into building that global network? Let’s dig in…

CDNs are comprised of three different hardware elements. They are:

1. PoP

PoPs, or Points of Presence, are the physical data centers your CDN operates. Most CDNs will have multiple points of presence spread across North America, Europe, Asia, and sometimes other continents.

2. Caching Servers

Each Point of Presence then contains multiple caching servers. These servers are what actually do the hard work of caching all of your site’s static files.

3. Storage (SSD/HDD & RAM)

And finally, each caching server is comprised of multiple solid state drives and hard drives. These are the actual physical resting point of your files.

Pros and Cons of a CDN


  • Reduced latency and faster content delivery.
  • Enhanced security with DDoS protection and other security features.
  • Scalability during traffic surges.


  • Can be costly for high bandwidth sites.
  • Complexity in setup and maintenance for large-scale networks.
  • Limited effectiveness in regions without nearby servers.

In essence, CDNs are pivotal in modern internet infrastructure, significantly enhancing user experience by speeding up content delivery while providing additional security and handling high traffic loads efficiently. However, they come with considerations of cost and complexity, particularly for larger setups. Understanding the anatomy and function of CDNs is crucial for businesses and individuals alike who seek to optimize their online presence.

