how to complete 10,000 steps everyday

Cloud seven
3 min readJun 27, 2024


Morning Zombie Shuffle

  • Stumble out of bed and shuffle around like a zombie for 15 minutes. Not only will you wake up your neighbours, but you’ll also start your day with a few thousand steps!

Staircase Safari

  • Treat your stairs like they’re the African savanna. Every time you climb them, imagine you’re escaping from a lion or chasing down a herd of wildebeest. Suddenly, those extra steps seem way more exciting!

Parking Lot Pilgrimage

  • Park as far away as possible from the entrance. Think of it as your daily pilgrimage. Bonus points if you chant “I will get my steps!” on the way in.

Walking Meetings aka ‘Walkie-Talkies’

  • Propose ‘walkie-talkie’ meetings at work. Roam the halls, gesturing wildly about your brilliant ideas. Your co-workers might think you’re eccentric, but your step count will thank you.

Lunchtime Lap Dance

  • No, not that kind! Take laps around your office building during lunch. Extra points if you do it while pretending you’re on a secret mission. “Agent Walker, we need those 10,000 steps ASAP!”

Shopping Marathon

  • Hit the mall and walk every aisle like you’re on a mission to find the Holy Grail. Window shop, try on ridiculous outfits, and count those steps as you hunt for the perfect pair of socks.

TV Commercial Sprints

  • During your favourite shows, jump up and jog in place or do laps around the living room during commercials. Who knew binge-watching could be so healthy?

Pet Patrol

  • Borrow a friend’s dog if you don’t have one and go for a walk. Dogs are excellent step motivators. Plus, it’s a great excuse to use lines like, “Got to walk Fido so he doesn’t eat my shoes again!”

Dance Party Clean-Up

  • Turn cleaning into a dance party. Blast your favourite tunes and boogie while you vacuum, dust, and do the dishes. Just watch out for those slippery floors — moonwalking only!

Errand Extravaganza

  • Turn every errand into an adventure. Need milk? Walk to the store. Need to mail a letter? Walk to the post office. Pretend you’re on an epic quest, and every step is part of your heroic journey.

Grocery Store Safari

  • When you grocery shop, take the long route through every aisle, even the ones you don’t need anything from. You might discover a new snack, and your steps will soar!

Elevator Avoidance Challenge

  • Make a game out of avoiding elevators. Pretend they’re lava and only use the stairs. Your legs and your step count will be on fire (in a good way).

Friend Frenzy

  • Challenge a friend to a step-off. Whoever gets the most steps buys the other coffee or lunch. Suddenly, you’ll find yourself walking laps around the block at 9 PM to win.

Kitchen Calisthenics

  • Every time you’re cooking, keep moving. March in place while waiting for water to boil, do calf raises while chopping veggies, or dance like no one’s watching (because hopefully, they aren’t).

Nature Calls

  • No, not that kind of call. Make nature your gym. Go for hikes, walk in the park, or just wander around your neighbourhood pretending you’re on a nature documentary.

Remember, the key is to have fun with it! Getting your steps in doesn’t have to be a chore — it can be an adventure full of laughter and creativity. Happy stepping!

