I Hate To Say This But We Should All Be Pathetic Writers

Tanisha Tiwari
2 min readAug 9, 2024

Pathetic drives the crazy to follow what they want and live life their very own way.

Source: Pinterest

‘You write, do you? Name the writer you want to be like.’

The above statement was asked of me by a relative when I was in eleventh standard.

I was not able to recall one writer who inspired me. And most of the time, if you ask me the question now as well, I won’t be able to answer you!

When I was in the eleventh, I could not answer because I could not recall the names.

When I am now twenty-six, I prefer not to answer this because I truly do not want to be like any of the writers out there. Of course, some authors inspire me but I still do not want to write like them.

When I wasn’t able to answer, the person replied with ‘What a pathetic writer you are, you don’t want to be like the best writers.’

Now I recall his face, I look at myself in the mirror and think it was not a big deal at all.

Maybe I was never somebody who wanted to be like somebody else.

I recently went to an author session and I was asked who inspires me. Without thinking twice I said a lot of people and I also mentioned this story I told above.

What I want to convey saying this is, no matter how idiotic it may sound, I like people who call themselves pathetic.

Being pathetic at something is the beginning of being an expert in it.

I do not need to take bigger names to justify who inspires me.

I know an author by the name of ‘Laxman Rao’.

When you google his name, you will probably not see a million-copy best-seller after his name but if you know his story, you will be inspired. The man has written around forty books and sells tea.

I was fortunate to interview him and he told me he sells tea because he likes it.

“Do we all have enough courage to do what we love because we want to? No, we don’t. This takes courage, enough courage!”

Nobody can be Laxman Rao and he is wise to know that. That is what inspires me.

He is pathetic, he told me that himself. He knows that. He wants all of us to be pathetic. Pathetic keeps people living. Pathetic drives the crazy to follow what they want and live life their very own way. Pathetic is what we all should be. Maybe we should all be pathetic writers.



Tanisha Tiwari

Content Manager For The Government Of India, Author, and Everything I Would Want To Call Myself