Top 5 Ways Blockchain Technology is Revolutionising Industries


Tanish Gupta
5 min readJan 6, 2023

A blockchain is a decentralised database or ledger that is shared by computer network nodes (sometimes referred to as distributed ledger technology). A blockchain serves as a database by digitally archiving data.
The peculiarity of the blockchain is that it fosters confidence without the need for a reliable third party while simultaneously guaranteeing the accuracy and security of a data record.

Being first used to record transactions for the digital currency Bitcoin in 2008, since its inception, blockchain technology has expanded beyond digital currencies and is now being used in a wide range of industries.

Its decentralised nature and ability to securely record transactions make it an effective tool for increasing transparency and efficiency.
This technology did not gain traction until the release of Bitcoin and the publication of its underlying technology, the blockchain.

Blockchain technology is now being studied, explored and used by organisations, governments, and corporations all around the world. It is a topic of significant debate and enthusiasm because of its potential to transform industries and transform how we conduct transactions.

1. Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is one of the major areas where blockchain technology has the ability to make a substantial difference.
Increased transparency is one of the key advantages of adopting blockchain in supply chain management. On the blockchain, every transaction is documented and can be readily tracked back via the supply chain.

The usage of blockchain technology can boost supply chain efficiency in addition to trust, responsibility and transparency. Blockchain can assist in streamlining the supply chain by automating specific procedures and removing the need for middlemen.

Using blockchain in the supply chain has the ability to eliminate fraud and errors, which is an additional benefit. Because the blockchain is decentralised, there is no single point of failure, which can lessen the chance that mistakes or fraudulent behaviour will go unnoticed.

In general, the application of blockchain in supply chain management has the potential to improve supply chain transparency, effectiveness, and trust.

2. Cybersecurity

Blockchain technology is a valuable tool for enhancing cybersecurity because of its decentralised nature. A system or database can be more difficult for hackers to target since there is no centralised point of control.

Blockchain provides an alternative route to increased security that is less travelled and not nearly as inviting to attackers. With this strategy, vulnerabilities are decreased, robust encryption is offered, and data ownership and integrity are more efficiently verified. Even some passwords, which are frequently cited as cybersecurity’s weakest link, may not be necessary.

The adoption of blockchain technology can facilitate secure identification and authentication in addition to enhancing overall security. For instance, blockchain-based solutions might be used to verify the identity of people or devices securely and in a decentralised way.

3. Social Impact

In addition to its use in industries like supply chain management and cybersecurity, blockchain technology also has the potential to have a positive social impact.

The use of smart contracts is one way that the blockchain can be used for social impact. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts in which the terms of the buyer-seller agreement are directly written into lines of code, depending upon the language used by that specific blockchain. These contracts can be used to facilitate transparent and efficient charitable giving and aid distribution.

Another way blockchain can benefit society is by increasing financial inclusion. Because blockchain technology is decentralised, it has the potential to provide financial services to individuals and communities who do not have access to traditional financial institutions.

Overall, the use of blockchain technology for social impact has the potential to increase charitable giving, increase transparency and efficiency in aid distribution, and provide underserved communities with access to financial services.

4. HealthCare

Blockchain has several uses and functions in the healthcare industry. By facilitating the safe transfer of patient medical records, controlling the drug supply chain, and facilitating the safe transfer of patient medical records, ledger technology assists healthcare researchers in deciphering genetic code.

One application of blockchain in healthcare is the use of electronic medical records (EMR). The risk of errors or data breaches can be reduced by using a decentralised platform for storing and accessing medical records. Furthermore, the use of blockchain for EMR can help to improve the efficiency with which healthcare providers access and share medical records.

Drug supply chain management is another major area where blockchain is being used in healthcare. The use of blockchain can aid in the tracking and verification of drug authenticity as it moves through the supply chain, lowering the risk of counterfeit drugs entering the market.

Overall, blockchain in healthcare has the potential to enable secure and efficient electronic medical record-keeping while also improving the safety and transparency of the drug supply chain.

5. Digital Currencies/Banking

Blockchain technology serves as the foundation for many digital currencies, including the most well-known, Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. Blockchain technology is used by digital currencies, also known as cryptocurrencies, to secure and verify transactions, as well as to control the creation of new units of currency.

The decentralised and secure nature of blockchain technology has contributed to the growth of digital currencies such as Bitcoin. The use of blockchain enables the development of a decentralised and secure system for conducting financial transactions in the absence of traditional financial institutions which are centralised and can have downtime if an issue comes into their system.

The use of blockchain in the financial industry has the potential to reduce the dependency on traditional financial institutions in addition to facilitating the growth of digital currencies. This not only reduces the risk but also eliminates numerous processing and transaction fees that are included while doing any financial transaction across any central platform that has a central authority.

Blockchain can help to create new financial systems that do not rely on traditional intermediaries by enabling peer-to-peer transactions and the use of smart contracts.
Overall, the use of blockchain in digital currency growth has the potential to revolutionise the financial industry and reduce reliance on traditional financial institutions.


Blockchain technology has the potential to transform a wide range of industries, including supply chain management, cybersecurity, social impact, government, the sharing economy, healthcare, and finance.

The decentralised and secure nature of blockchain technology enables increased transparency, efficiency, and trust in a variety of industries.
While blockchain technology adoption is still in its early stages and there are challenges to overcome, the technology’s future outlook is promising.

As more businesses, governments, and organisations begin to investigate and implement the use of blockchain, we can expect to see even more innovative and disruptive applications of the technology.

Overall, the numerous ways in which this blockchain technology is transforming industries demonstrate the technology’s potential to bring about significant changes in the way we conduct transactions and exchange information.

