Trade easy – Sleep easy !

5 min readJan 28, 2023


Why everyone choose DeGate?!

Crypto exchanges’ need for security. is increasing over time. As more people get into crypto and learn the ropes, protecting users. is the most important goal for major platforms available in the market. Compared to a few years ago, the top crypto exchanges have implemented increasingly sophisticated security systems, like stringent identity verification and authentication measures, AI-based analysis and several collaborations with world-class cybersecurity firms. While security has improved significantly over the years, not all exchanges are created equal.

Aside from security, cryptocurrency users are looking for the right combination of available products and services, convenient user experience and abundant opportunities for earning and profitability, among other factors.

How do you find an exchange you can trust when there are hundreds of them currently vying for your attention? What are the criteria that make a trusted exchange? Although there are hundreds of cryptocurrency exchanges, only a handful meet the criteria described below.

  1. Top Priority: Security

When it comes to selecting a crypto exchange to trust, security should always be the top factor to consider. From the minute you deposit fiat currency in your exchange wallet to the moment you start trading, every step of the process has to be secure.

At first glance, it may not be easy to detect a crypto platform’s level of security, but there are some things you can look out for. . Your cryptocurrency is only as safe as the method you use to store it. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a partner you can trust and rely on – one that protects your private data and funds with the latest security standards, a professional security team and, ideally, a recovery fund as a cherry on top.

1.1 User-Protection Security Programs

Speaking of incentives and rewards, a proactive security team should always come up with contingency plans to address all potential weak points when it comes to using a crypto platform, from user education to insurance. This way, no matter what happens, users’ funds are protected and taken care of.

1.2 Security team

The most important team at every crypto exchange is the security team. For this reason, many exchanges carefully protect the identity of their cybersecurity specialists, to lessen the probability of hackers getting in touch with them and exploring potential exploits. Ideally, you want to register on an exchange with an active security team that regularly publishes reports and research analysis, and collaborates. with other projects to improve the security of the entire crypto industry.

1.3 Transparency

For a crypto exchange, threats aren’t just external but also internal. The ideal exchange is transparent to its users from all points of view – clear and understandable terms and conditions, fee schedule, transparent operations and a comprehensive roadmap. The exchange should operate in an easy way for its users and stakeholders to observe the exchange’s operations or review how the funds are stored and protected. Transparency is extremely important for all exchanges, but twice as much for exchanges that also issue their own stablecoins.

2. Products and Services

An ideal exchange should offer a wide variety of trading pairs, all of which are continuously audited and vetted, as well as easy access to major payment methods (both cash-in and cash-out). While it’s important to have many trading pair options, it’s more essential to have strict standards for trading pairs, products and services. An exchange with fewer trading pairs that are high-volume and secure will definitely be better than an exchange with more trading pairs that are sub-par.

2.1 Products.

What do you expect from buying crypto? Do you only plan to buy and HODL, or do you want more for your money? Global exchanges are often surrounded by an extensive ecosystem of supplementary products and services, such as crypto debit cards, assets custody and protection, trading services and other financial services designed to improve your crypto experience and provide additional earning potential.

In addition, an ideal exchange has to have a top-notch trading infrastructure, as well as a suite of reliable investing and earning products. As much as possible, this exchange should also provide adequate educational support, including FAQs, articles, blogs and more materials to aid users in their crypto journey.

3. Self Custody with Exodus Mode

All assets are self custody via DeGate decentralized account. Exodus mode allows for emergency withdrawals.

4. Efficient Sustainable Gas (ESG)

Innovative solution to optimize gas savings on Ethereum, increasing tx output by orders of magnitude.

5. no AdminKey

Once DeGate protocol is deployed, its code execution logic is immutable.

6. Low Fees

Free for makers. One of the lowest real transaction costs via L2 rollups.

7. Fast Transactions

Trades are executed instantly and finalized on the blockchain within few minutes.

8. Instant Deposit/Withdrawals

Deposit or withdraw via ZK rollups into your own blockchain wallet within few minutes.

Register on DeGate :

Among the very few options that meet the criteria, we want to invite you to join DeGate. As a large cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, we offer you an ecosystem of crypto-related products and services like no one else. Trusted by thousands of users, we offer multiple deposit and withdrawal methods, a wide range of trading pairs, the lowest fees.

Trade on the go with the DeGate App and enjoy the performance !

