OpenAI Unveils ChatGPT Edu, Tailored for Higher Education

Tankiso Mpela
3 min readJun 1, 2024


by ellenstudy-com


A new version of ChatGPT joins the catalog offered by OpenAI. Is about ChatGPT Edu, a variant of the artificial intelligence chatbot specially prepared for use in universities. It arrives powered by GPT-4o, the startup’s next-generation language model, and with several very interesting features.

Those led by Sam Altman decided to launch ChatGPT Edu after seeing that several American universities were successfully implementing the enterprise version of the bot. Among them, Arizona State, Oxford and Columbia. The main obstacle to adopting ChatGPT Enterprise was its very high cost.

Although access to the corporate version of OpenAI technology is priced on a case-by-case basis, it requires a minimum of 150 users, costs up to $60 per month for each of them, and requires a stay of no less than 12 months. The startup indicates that ChatGPT Edu is not only more affordable, but has also been optimized for responsible deployment among students, teachers, researchers and other operations on campus.

Of course, although its developers indicate that it is less expensive than ChatGPT Enterprise, they do not mention the specific cost of the Edu variant. Universities interested in adopting the technology created by OpenAI have to contact the startup’s sales team to negotiate a plan accordingly.

What the new ChatGPT Edu brings

What the new ChatGPT Edu brings |  GPT-4o
What the new ChatGPT Edu brings |  GPT-4o

As we indicated at the beginning, one of the most attractive points of ChatGPT Edu is that it uses GPT-4o, OpenAI’s next-generation AI. According to the company, users of the university version can interact with the chatbot both through text and images. When the aforementioned language model was presented, those responsible highlighted its improved capabilities for interpreting text, mathematics and programming languages, with support for more than 50 languages.

Altman’s team believes that these characteristics are ideal to take advantage of in an educational setting. In addition, ChatGPT Edu integrates data analysis tools and other functions such as article summary or the ability to search the web. But that’s not all, since it also includes the option to create GPTs, the personalized versions of ChatGPT that recently arrived in the free version of the application.

ChatGPT Edu promises a “considerably higher” message limit than the free variant of the chatbot. However, it does not detail much more about it. Likewise, it implements advanced administrative control, security and data protection tools.

And if you’re wondering how OpenAI plans to address privacy, Sam Altman’s firm has committed not to train its models with ChatGPT Edu information and conversations.

With this new release, the ChatGPT catalog expands to 5 variants: free, Plus, Team, Enterprise and Edu. This once again highlights how its developers work at full speed to strengthen the monetization of your business intelligence. An issue that has already generated several short circuits within OpenAI and that continues to be a matter of debate. In fact, a recent report by Financial Times noted that Microsoft was pressuring the startup to prioritize launching commercial products.

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