5 Mistakes to Avoid When You’re Learning to Code

3 min readFeb 4, 2023

The process of learning to code can be overwhelming and intimidating for beginners, but it doesn’t have to be. Avoiding certain common mistakes can help you learn to code faster and more effectively. Here are five mistakes to avoid when you’re learning to code.

1. Not practicing enough. Practice makes perfect, and coding is no exception. You won’t be able to learn to code quickly without regularly practicing the concepts you’ve learned. Set aside some dedicated time each day to practice writing code. It’s also important to review the code you’ve written and try to identify any mistakes or areas that could be improved.

For example, let’s say you’ve learned how to write a “for” loop in Python. You should practice writing multiple “for” loops with different parameters and review them to make sure they’re correct.

2. Skipping the basics. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of learning to code and dive straight into complex topics. However, it’s important to take the time to learn the basics first. Without a solid understanding of the fundamentals, you won’t be able to understand more complex topics.

For example, you shouldn’t try to jump straight into learning React or Vue if you don’t understand how HTML and CSS work. Spend some time learning the basics of HTML and CSS first, and then move on to more complex topics.

3. Not asking for help. Learning to code can be a daunting task, and it’s easy to get stuck on a problem. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you’re stuck. There are plenty of online forums, chat rooms, and communities dedicated to helping beginners learn to code.

For example, if you’re stuck on a problem related to Java, you can join the Stack Overflow Java chat room and ask for help from experienced developers.

4. Not debugging your code. Debugging is an important part of the coding process. It’s important to take the time to debug your code and identify any mistakes or areas that could be improved.

For example, let’s say you’ve written a program in Java to calculate the area of a circle. You should debug your code to make sure that the formula you used is correct and the program is producing the correct output.

5. Not taking breaks. Learning to code can be an intense and mentally draining process. It’s important to take regular breaks to give your mind a rest and come back to your work with a fresh perspective.

Take a break and get lost in a game

If you’re stuck on a problem, take a break and come back to it after a few hours. You may find that the answer becomes clear after some time away from the problem. Learning to code can be a challenging but rewarding process. Avoiding these common mistakes can help you learn to code faster and more effectively.

Good luck and happy coding!




My name is Kyi and I'm a 25 year old programmer. I am passionate about coding and playing games. Outside of coding, I love spending time with my dog and hiking