The anatomy of Laravel’s tap() function

Tanmay Das
6 min readMay 31, 2019


If there is one thing I really like about the Laravel PHP Framework, it would be its level of code sophistication, whether it is in something as complex as the ORM or even in something as simple as a helper function. The latter is what this article is about.

Laravel has a Ruby-inspired, higher-order function called tap(). In a nutshell, the tap helper function takes a value and a callback; passes the value to the callback and returns the value. Let’s take a look at how we could implement such a function from scratch in PHP:

<?phpfunction tap($value, $callback) {
return $value;

The function takes two arguments:
1. A value, $value
2. A callback function, $callback

As you can see, inside the function’s body, the $value is passed as the argument to the callback function and after the invocation of $callback, the $value is returned from the tap() function.

Even though the function looks extremely simple, it opens the door to many possibilities. When I saw this function for the first time, I was like, why would someone even want to use that?!

We’ve all come across this very common 3-step situation:

  1. We create a new variable by calling a function that returns a value, instantiating a class or any expression that evaluates to some value. e.g. $foo = bar();, $foo = new Bar;, $foo = 40+2;.
  2. Then we do something with that variable. e.g. $foo->calculatePrice();
  3. Eventually, we return that variable. return $foo;

An example should make more sense:

<?php$person = new stdClass;
$person->name = 'John';
return $person;

The tap function allows us to simplify the example in one statement, like this:

<?phpreturn tap(new stdClass, function($person) {
$person->name = 'John';

Here, we pass an instance of PHP’s built-in, generic stdClass class as our value and also the callback function which will act upon that value(instance of stdClass). Inside the callback, we simply assign a string ‘John’ to the $person’s name property.

Since the tap function always returns the first argument, $value, we can immediately access the members of that $value (new stdClass). So in our case, if we wanted to instantiate a class, set a value to its property and then echo out the value of that property, we could do that all in a single statement:

<?phpecho tap(new stdClass, function($person) {
$person->name = 'Jane';
})->name; // Jane

Again, without the tap function, the above example would take the shape of this:

<?php$person = new stdClass;
$person->name = 'Jane';
echo $person->name; // Jane

We can also take this tapping mechanism a bit further. What if we wanted to make the callback function optional? What if all we really want is to call a method of $value and just get the $value in return, instead of what the called method actually returns?

$person->setName('John'); // --> returns 'Done'.// For some reason we want to ignore the returned value 'Done':tap($person)->setName('John'); // --> returns $person.// Notice the No. of arguments in tap(). No callback.

Here, setName() is a method of the $person object. We called the setName() method but in that process, we also disregarded setName()'s actual return value (The not-so-useful string "Done") and returned the $person instead. Confused? Let’s take a look at a real-world scenario and then we’ll update our implementation of tap().

Say we have a method named addToWallet() in our User model:

<?phppublic function addToWallet($amount)
if ($amount < 0) {
return false;
} else {
$this->wallet()->increment('balance', $amount);
return true;

…as you can see if we call the method on $user object like this: $user->addToWallet(50); it will, of course, return a boolean. Let’s say in addition to updating the user’s wallet, we also need to return the $user from some controller’s action. It would take two statements to achieve that:

<?phppublic function update(Request $request)
// Validation logic skipped for brevity


return $user;

But we want something like this one-liner:

return tap($user)->addToWallet($request->amount); // $user

To achieve that we will have to enhance our current implementation of tap(). Let’s start by making the callback optional first with the default parameter:

<?phpfunction tap($value, $callback = null) {

return $value;

Now comes the tricky part. We’ve said that when no callback is passed to the tap (tap($user)), we would like to return the given value ($user) from the called method(->addToWallet(50)) instead of what the called method actually returns.

How can we enforce the method (addToWallet()) to return the value ($user), when in its definition, it returns a completely different thing (true/false) than the value?

PHP has a magic method called __call() which, if implemented in a class, is invoked “automagically” whenever we try to call a non-existent method on an object of that class. We just have to pass the $value (which from now on I will also call the $target) to the constructor of a class that implements __call(). Let’s call that class TapWithoutCallback:

<?phpclass TapWithoutCallback
public $target;

public function __construct($target)
$this->target = $target;

public function __call($method, $parameters)
// Calls the method on the value/target.
// $this->user->addToWallet(50);

// Returns the value/target.
// $this->user;
return $this->target;

If we create an instance of this TapWithoutCallback class and try to access a method that doesn’t exist there, it will delegate the method call (line 16) to the target/value that we passed during the instantiation.

As an improvement to our tap() function, now all we have to do is return an instance of the TapWithoutCallback class when no callback is passed. The finished version of our tap function looks like this:

<?phpfunction tap($value, $callback = null) {
if (is_null($callback)) {
return new TapWithoutCallback($value);

return $value;

Now, if we don’t pass a callback, it will return an instance of TapWithoutCallback(line 5) instead of returning the original $value:


If we try to call the method addToWallet() on it:


…which doesn’t exist on the instance that tap() has returned (new TapWithoutCallback), PHP will summon its __call magic method which will call the addToWallet() on behalf of the target/value ($user) and then return the $user (TapWithoutCallback.php:16-20).

Finally, we can clean up our controller’s action:

<?phppublic function update(Request $request)
return tap($user)->addToWallet($request->amount);

Interestingly, we can even chain another method of User model, since whatever method we call on the model’s instance, is going to return the same instance, regardless of what the method’s actual return value is. So, this is possible:

->notify(new WalletUpdated);

But now we’ve lost the ability to return the $user from notify(), since notify() is no longer being called on the tap’s returned instance. It is now being called directly on $user. To mitigate this problem, we can stack the tap calls like this (pay close attention to the parentheses):

<?phpreturn tap(tap($user)->addToWallet($request->amount))
->notify(new WalletUpdated);

notify() will now return the tapped value, which is the $user. Think of the above example as two layers of Inception.

Another use case will be Laravel’s update() method, which also returns a boolean. We can leverage the tap() function to explicitly return the model, instead of the boolean:

<?phpreturn tap($post)->update([
'title' => $title,
'description' => $description,
]); // $post

Here is the tap() function that Laravel implements:

* Call the given Closure with the given value then return the value.
* @param mixed $value
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return mixed
function tap($value, $callback = null)
if (is_null($callback)) {
return new HigherOrderTapProxy($value);
$callback($value); return $value;

Here, HigherOrderTapProxy is our TapWithoutCallback-equivalent class. Laravel’s HigherOrderTapProxy class:

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Support;class HigherOrderTapProxy
* The target being tapped.
* @var mixed
public $target;
* Create a new tap proxy instance.
* @param mixed $target
* @return void
public function __construct($target)
$this->target = $target;
* Dynamically pass method calls to the target.
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, $parameters)
return $this->target;

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