Learning Post-Bootcamp

Tanner Hallenstein
5 min readSep 20, 2021



After graduation there’s a strange mix of having enough skills to do some work, an intermediate understanding the degree’s field, and probably an empty wallet. Since completing my recent bootcamp, I’m having a lot of deja vu. Similar to my undergrad degree, I’m again looking for my first job in a new career and, again, with an empty wallet.

But there’s a difference. The first time I had a lot of knowledge within Biology and Environmental Science. It was great knowledge for going to med school or staying in academia. However, gunning for a job immediately after school was a struggle. What specific skills did I have then and how was I going to apply them to a new position? I could tell you all about ants (which funnily enough did come up in an awesome job later on), but I didn’t have sought-after technical skills. This time I do. I’m still working with bugs, but now its computer bugs.

So now I have enough skills to do some work. What I want is strong enough skills to do amazing work. To the best of my knowledge, there were two paths.

Path 1: Start following along with tutorials to learn new technologies and strengthen what I already have. Or…

Path 2: Start a new project using familiar technologies and strengthen my existing skills while creating a portfolio piece in the process.

Each option has its strengths: Path 1 (tutorials) is guided. It would feel like I’m making more progress as I complete each lesson. And, I get exposure to new technologies, giving me a broader range of skills to list on my CV. Path 2 (the solo project) focuses on what I already know. If there’s a feature I want to add, I have the foundations to implement it. It also makes the skills that I am advertising on my CV stronger. I always want to be honest of my abilities to potential employers. “Fake it till you make it” can work in a lot of cases, but when someone decides to hire me, I prefer they know what they’re getting.

“Fake it till you make it” can work in a lot of cases, but when someone decides to hire me, I prefer they know what they’re getting.

And for the weaknesses: Path 1 (tutorials) can be completed without a deep understanding of the technology. If it is done correct, and good notes are taken, you can gain a lot. But, with tutorial I tend to gain an exposure to the topic, but not an ability to easily replicate. You also can’t tell exactly what an employer might want in a new hire. (This could be an argument for path 1 and why you would try to cast a wide net, but it could also be wasted time). Path 2 (solo project) entirely falls on me. If I get part-way into a project and I hit a road block, it’s just me and Google. Also, I’ll get a bit of motivation as I overcome hurdles, but I won’t have anything completed to show and be proud of until it’s done. And of course, the last weakness being that I don’t learn new tech.


What did I want to gain? More skills.

I chose path 1. My classmates and I were trying to figure out what to work on while at our co-working space, and we landed on practicing JavaScript using JavaScript30 by Wes Bos. It’s a one-lesson-a-day-for-30-days program. It was going well and I was taking tons of notes until about day 5 or 6. I realized I didn’t remember anything from the first day! It’s a good resource to go back to if I want to implement one of the day’s features into a future project, but I wasn’t feeling that I was learning JavaScript fully. My classmates continued. I stopped.

I then chose path 2. One classmate never did JS30 and went straight to cloning the front end of a live site. It looked identical and I was amazed. They went and tested their skills and now had this killer example of their front-end mastery for their profile. I wanted that.

Now the choice was all about what project to code. I had many ideas. I made a text-based adventure game in python a year ago that could use a graphical user interface. And one of my first coding project ideas from years before I even began coding was to make a Dungeons and Dragons app. Both projects would absolutely keep me engaged. Before settling on one, I did additional research. I looked on Youtube and ran into Coder Foundry. Their videos quickly changed my perspective on what project I should focus on first.

Their idea was simple. Being fresh from a bootcamp, you are best served having a project that solves a business-related issue in a clear way. I’ll elaborate. If you only have a few projects, you might want the target audience to relate to what you’re showcasing. The example Coder Foundry gives is that if you want to work for DC, show them your sketches of Batman, don’t show them Spiderman or custom characters.

How my portfolio actually looks to employers. Drawing by Tsamporado

A hiring manager can more easily see your value if they already have familiarity with what you are presenting. As much as I want to have a hiring manager play my python game or learn about Dungeons and Dragons, that’s not doing me any favors in their evaluation, and it also might waste their time.

There are many examples online of business app products that would be a great first solo app. After seeing one in particular suggested multiple times, I decided to go with it — a bug tracking app. And no, it’s not just because I like insects. This app allows a user to create a new “project” (unfortunate name for keeping things less confusing in this blog post, I know), and add team members to collaborate. Users report bugs that are then managed from identification to resolution. The app uses a database, authorization, authentication, and more features that I expect to encounter in a professional setting. It lets me practice the kind of work that will bring value to a future employer.

Sneak peak of “Anteater”, my bug tracker. (I am not a designer 😅)

It’s exciting moving forward with a new project. The path I’m taking is only one step in a whole staircase of becoming a professional developer. And even though I’ve chosen one path, I’m still flexible with learning. For example, I had a React lesson this weekend, and plan to practice it on the side. Like with most things, I think any paths will get you where you’re going, you just need to start.

