Kaylyn Soto
2 min readDec 5, 2021

Super Hero!

After the being a super villain, I am now the super hero to show the town I love and want to protect against the attack that was waged towards me. I will have to try and stop the attack against Facebook, Tic Tok, and Snapchat. They are hacking this account and sharing, deleting accounts , and deleting previous posts and now I have to try and reclaim these accounts and delete the false fake posts. Now here is where it gets tuff to try and show my town to trust me that I can overcome this horrific claims. After putting together the perfect team with a big impact fan base and great hacking techniques to retrieve my accounts and push out positive post pertaining to the negative claims and fake news. Hopefully after getting back in these accounts and deleting the previous degrading new they have posted, then start pushing out great posts to reclaim my good name. We can also use algorithmic bias as well.

By making post, stories, and lives to help me show the false allegations and will help me increase my fan base again. I will explain to my followers about how it is such a big deal to protect you social and even your phone. I will also encourage them to put ad blocks on because they are used by algorithms to steal data and hack accounts. I will also tell my story on how I was hack and they used my information against me to try and prevail and tarnish my name. So hopefully after all these I will help and encourage my fans that I am not this person they are making me out to be and show them the importance of protecting your social accounts because this can happen to them!