Social Media Animation with AI | Image to Video

6 min readJul 24, 2024


Hello everyone, I’m going to go ahead and say that this is definitely a new article that will excite you, featuring a clever blend of AI video and design.👀

As we know, Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming the landscape of social media content creation, particularly when it comes to dynamic images and videos. With tools like SVD, the fusion of AI video capabilities and traditional graphic design is opening up new possibilities for marketers and content creators. These AI-powered tools are capable of generating high-quality, engaging visuals that were previously time-consuming and labor-intensive to produce. By automating complex design tasks, AI is not only speeding up the workflow but also allowing creators to focus more on the strategic and creative aspects of their content.

AI Video + Design

One of the key benefits of using AI for dynamic social media images is the enhancement of marketing visuals. AI tools can generate a variety of designs tailored to specific audiences, ensuring that every post resonates with its intended viewers. For social media managers, this means less time spent on repetitive design tasks and more time available for crafting compelling narratives and engaging with their audience. AI can also suggest and implement design elements that align with current trends, ensuring that your content remains fresh and relevant.

Moreover, personal bloggers can significantly benefit from integrating AI into their content creation process. AI tools can help in maintaining a consistent aesthetic across posts, which is crucial for brand identity. They can also analyze performance data to optimize future content, making it easier to grow and engage with followers. By leveraging AI, bloggers can create more interactive and visually appealing posts that stand out in a crowded social media landscape. This integration of AI into the workflow not only boosts efficiency but also enhances the overall quality and impact of social media content.

Some great AI bloggers from X

Let’s dive into today’s workflow, which is divided into 3 main parts. I’ll guide you step by step on creating social media animations.🚀

Social Media Animation Tutorial

🎨Step 1 Image Generation

We are still using the MJ model from the AI tool to generate the background material.

This time, the prompt generation still follows the same pattern as the previous articles, click here to see the details.

⭐Example: A female model in a Chanel suit, leading a black purse in her hand, elevated shot, simple set studio, high quality clothing photography, premium, 8K.

As shown above, enter the prompt, set the parameters on the right, soon you will get four images, choose a satisfactory one as the next step in video generation material.


🎥Step 2 Image to Video

Maze Guru has access to the SVD video function, you can do image to video directly through its Animation function.

Enter the Animation page, click the “+” symbol on the left side of the dialog box, and select the model image you just generated in the “Choose File”.

Confirm the selected image and set the video parameters on the right side (my suggestion, lower Creativity, higher Motion Range, 4s video time), finally click the airplane icon to start generating, you need to wait for more than 10 seconds.


This video feature is completely free, so give it a try if you’re interested.

🛠️Step 3 Create the Design

Okay! We’re still using Canva at our best, and to edit the animation here we need to find the “Social Media Animation” template area on the homepage.

Going to the edit page, we select an animation template and delete the video content in it.👇

Upload the AI video we just generated and adjust all content styles to suit your needs. (Or you can just use your video as the background and add text, I’ll put up different examples below)

In addition, all the elements and text in the layers except your generated AI video can be designed to move, as shown below, and there are many nice motion modes available in Canva.👇

Finally, let’s take a look at the blended effect!

🌈Sample Showcase!

All animated backgrounds are generated using AI, and I hope that they will inspire you to create your own.

That’s all! Thanks for reading and if you have better ideas about AI+Design please leave a comment ~ I’d love to discuss them with you!💐

👋🤖Hi, I’m Tansy, an avid AI enthusiast exploring innovative applications of AI in design and art. If you’re interested in this field, feel free to follow me! As an ambassador for Maze Guru, most of my content will feature examples generated with this AI tool. Of course, I’ll also share other useful AI tools.😊

My content mainly includes practical design tips, prompts, AI design workflows, creative images, icons, posters, product images, and more. While I’m not a professional designer, I accomplish all this with the help of AI.

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Design beginner, AI explorer, learning through sharing.✨🪐🪄📝