Meanings of Colors for Logos

Tantalizea Lacaden
4 min readMay 14, 2019


Colors play a huge role in bringing out our emotions. Ever notice how all those luxury brands have a black logo? Or how eco-friendly products are always green? The reason for that is because we associate colors with different feelings such as happiness, trust and relaxation.


Red can be used to evoke emotions such as anger, passion, excitement or a stimulated appetite. Brands use red to be bold and make a statement. Red is often paired with yellow or black when the brand is related to food.

Photo by kazuend on Unsplash


Orange is used to show warmth, energy or playfulness. When it’s paired with rounded shapes or curved lines, it emphasizes a fun and approachable brand. This color works well for a gym, since it offers a space for activities with high energy.


Yellow is such a happy, friendly and youthful color. The first image that came to my mind was a kid in a raincoat. A lot of children’s apps and board games use bright colors like yellow.

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash


Green is often associated with nature, growth and money. Companies that are eco-friendly or work with finances use this color the most. Acorns and Whole Foods are some great examples.

Photo by m wrona on Unsplash


Blue can evoke feelings of calmness, trustworthiness and intelligence. This could be used for both relaxing spas or IT companies, depending on the shade of color that’s used. A lighter blue will have a soft and calming appearance, while a darker blue can show trust in handling sensitive information.


Purple is a color of mystery, luxury and wisdom. Since purple is a combination of red and blue, it evokes emotions from both colors. A perfect example: Hallmark. The use of the purple color with the crown symbol can make you think of royalty.


Pink is associated with love, youth, and femininity. If you think of feminine brands on lingerie or magazines, you’ll find a pink logo. A playful way to use pink would be for brands that serve sweet treats, such as ice cream or candy shops.

Photo by Kate Ilina on Unsplash


Brown is a color that is calm, trustworthy and intelligent. Think of the light brown sand at the beach. It’s nice. Calm. Relaxing. Darker browns like in the picture can be associated with the knowledge from old books and history.


Black gives off the appearance of being modern, having luxury and authority. High end brands use this color because it makes a statement. A lot of clothing brands use black with different typefaces to represent their unique qualities.


White represents innocence and purity. I wouldn’t consider this a color for logo use, since white is only seen against a background color. However, it’s important to note that a good logo can be used as black, white and colored.

Photo by rafa espada on Unsplash


Gray is a neutral and sophisticated color. It’s not white or black, but the middle ground. It’s a more acceptable color and can be used for automobile or IT companies, since it related to the material of the physical product.


Branding is an important process in building your identity. Just like building a house, the foundation has a significant role in setting up your brand for success. The consistency of colors and font choices are what make your brand memorable.

