What Is Sacred Sexuality?

3 min readJan 28, 2024

While growing up, we experience sex and everything related to sex as a taboo. It’s considered something impure, a bad habit, dirty, and something to stay away from. However, sex in spirituality is far from an impure act.

Also, the term ‘sacred’ in sacred sexuality terms sex as a sacred act to us, to you and your partner. Achieving sacred sexuality is enjoying the pure nature of sexual intimacy. It is the only ultimate way to conjoin your soul and feel completely at ease.

Sexual intimacy as part of sacred sexuality is internally focused. It is when you can connect with yourself and your partner holistically. Just like spirituality is fully connected with God, sacred sexuality is like communion with your soul and your partner’s soul. This is only achieved if you are internally focused. Internally focused to the point you flow together and lose yourself completely in each other. You aren’t aware of the time and space around you as you feel pulsating energies following through your body.

This feeling is elation is closely related to sacred sexuality. This has nothing to do with the externally focused modern-day sex most people resonate with while or after watching porn.

How to have sacred sex?

Sacred sex or conscious sex, in the true sense, is true sex. This shouldn’t necessarily be done with the partner. You can also reach your sacred sexuality solo. Here are a few steps to have sacred sex:

• Take a step closer to spirituality

Connect yourself with spirituality. Comes to terms with the fact that we are all spiritual beings.

Being closer to spirituality will help you have open thoughts about sex without feeling guilty or embarrassed. Sex should occur naturally within the realms of the boundaries of consenting partners.

• Treat your partner as divine

When you think highly of your partner, a purely sacred connection is possible. Stray away from any misunderstandings and judgments. Think of your partner and love them as the highest vision. You are a step closer to experiencing sacred sex only when you imbibe only positive and loving thoughts.

• Create an amicable environment

Efforts are needed to create a sacred environment around. The right lighting, aesthetics, music, and candles add to the quality of your sex, no matter how much partners deny it. Engage and spend time heightening your senses. The environment around you greatly contributes to a blossoming and satisfying sex.

• Prepare your body and trust your sexual intuition

Having spontaneous sex isn’t a rule of thumb. Adorn your and your partner’s body. This will help you to look forward to being intimate. Make it special by having a bath before sex, using body oils, and, most importantly, being mindful. Be totally in awe of each other.

Lighten that spark by looking into each other eyes. Before this, you should ensure that you are confident in your own body. Choose to incorporate tantric sex practice to help heal yourself. Self-loving and self-pleasure are key ingredients of having Sacred sexual vitality sex.




Tantra yoga is the integration of sexuality and spirituality. It is a sacred, loving and honoring practice and way of life.