The Ultimate Guide About Tantra Massage

Tantric Massages Fuengirola
4 min readMar 28, 2023



Tantra massage is a unique and ancient practice that combines physical and spiritual techniques to help individuals connect with their bodies and their partners in a more profound way. Tantra massage is designed to help individuals experience pleasure and relaxation while also fostering a deeper sense of intimacy and connection with oneself and one’s partner. In this ultimate guide, we will explore what tantra massage is, how it works, and what to expect during a tantra massage session.

What is Tantra Massage?

Tantra massage is a form of alternative medicine that uses touch and other forms of body contact to relieve stress, heal injuries, and improve health. It has been practiced for centuries in many parts of Asia, but it’s only recently become popular in Other countries.

Tantra massage uses various techniques to focus on specific areas on your body during a session (for example head/neck or shoulder), but there are also some basic rules to follow when giving tantric massages:

  • Always ask if someone wants you to stop before they say so; this way you can focus on what they want without being distracted by unwanted touching or talking while you’re working on them.
  • Never use oil unless specified by the client; this will help prevent skin irritation caused by friction between the therapist and the client’s skin during treatment sessions. Oil may be used after each session if desired by clients who have sensitive skin types — but make sure not too much oil gets applied at once!

How Does Tantra Massage Work?

Tantra massage is a holistic approach to massage and sensual bodywork. It’s often described as “mind-body,” or “spiritual” in nature because it combines the mind and body in order to achieve a deeper sense of relaxation, rejuvenation, and well-being.

Tantric massage techniques can be used by both men and women; however they have been traditionally associated with being used by women more frequently than men. This doesn’t mean that men can’t benefit from tantric bodywork — they absolutely can!

Principles of Tantra Massage

Tantra massage is a form of sensual bodywork that uses the mind, body and breath to increase intimacy. It’s used to help couples achieve greater sexual satisfaction and improve their relationship.

The principles behind tantric massage include:

  • The use of verbal communication during the session (such as asking your partner questions about what they like or don’t like). This can be done in any language but it’s often done in Sanskrit or another sacred language to help you connect on a deeper level with each other.
  • Using props such as candles, oil lamps and flowers during your session will create an atmosphere that is more romantic than any other type of massage such as Erotic Massage Fuengirola!

Techniques Used in Tantra Massage

  • Use of the hands, feet, and mouth.
  • Use of breath.
  • Use of body as a tool.
  • Use of senses (sight, sound, smell).
  • Use of mind (thoughts). * Even if they’re not paying attention to you or what’s happening in front of them! You may even want to do this while someone else is giving you a massage sensation so that they become aware that their body is being touched by another person’s hands on their skin — which will help them feel more relaxed at least temporarily while they’re getting massaged!

Preparing for a Tantra Massage

Before you begin the process of booking your tantra massage, it is important to be clear about your expectations and limits. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page when it comes to what they can expect during their session.

  • What are my expectations?
  • How long do I want this session to last?
  • Am I willing to pay extra if there is anything special that might happen during the session (e.g. if there is an added luxury like having candles lit)?

Safety and Ethics in Tantra Massage

Tantric massage is a great way to relax and enjoy the benefits of tantra. It’s also a great way to share your love with another person, connect with your partner, or just have fun.

If you’re looking for an ethical and safe approach to tantra massage (and if not, why are you reading this?), then look no further! This guide will help you find some of the best places around town where they do it right.

There are also different types of massages available in Fuengirola


Tantra massage is an ancient healing practice that uses the body’s energy system to bring about lasting change in how we feel and move. Tantra massage uses a combination of physical touch, positive thinking, self-awareness, and emotional release to help you live your best life. It’s not only a great way to relax after a long day at work or school but also helps build strength in areas where you may be lacking confidence.


Q: What happens during a tantra massage session?

A: During a tantra massage session, the massage therapist will use slow, deliberate strokes to help the individual relax and connect with their body. The massage may involve the use of essential oils, and the individual may be encouraged to focus on their breathing and connect with their senses.

Q: Is it appropriate to receive a tantra massage from someone of the opposite sex?

A: It is appropriate to receive a tantra massage from someone of the opposite sex as long as both parties are comfortable with the situation and have established clear boundaries and intentions beforehand.

Q: Do I need to be in a relationship to receive a tantra massage?

A: No, individuals do not need to be in a relationship to receive a tantra massage. Tantra massage can be a valuable experience for individuals who want to connect with their body and explore their sensuality in a safe and supportive environment.



Tantric Massages Fuengirola

Tantric Massages Fuengirola offers you various types of sensual, tantric and exotic massages.Visit us :