How I Discover New Stories by People-Watching

Observation alone can teach life’s most crucial lessons

Tantu Khan
7 min readJan 11, 2021
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I’m sitting outside the International arrivals terminal at my local airport. But I’m not here to pick up anyone. So why am I here?

I’m here to take advantage of what the airport has to offer. You see, I love spending time with people — not talking to them!

The last time I was at an airport was in December 2019 when I went to my parent’s place to spend time with them over Christmas and New Year. Little did I know that it would be my last visit to the airport — whether to travel, pick someone up, or to people watch.

Yes, people-watching is my thing. Many do it without being conscious of it. Sometimes referred to as a hobby, it is the act of spending time looking at different people in a public place because you find this interesting.

Where I do my people-watching

I tend to do it anywhere — the mall, the library (I know — this one is creepy), the park, but my all-time favorite is the airport. Let me confess, the only time I’m not doing it is if I’m steeped in a deep conversation with someone or distracted by my kids.

2020 was a bummer. I didn’t go to the airport, a new record for me. The experience is like having an adult goodie bag. You never know what to expect. Each time is different. It’s child-like excitement and, at the same time, soothing to watch. It can be loud with people on the come and go. When I am sitting there, it becomes a silent film with the script in my head.

Why I do that

Ever wonder how many people pass through the airport? The statistics show U.S. airlines carried 925.5 million passengers in 2019, the highest total based on comparable records since 2003.

It’s a potential goldmine — for observing human behavior, specifically social interaction, my primary focus at the airport. I’m always thinking: what can I learn from these humans and their airport etiquette?


When I’m watching people, I’m a silent witness to a small fraction of their life. With a little help from my imagination, I can take what little I observe and create an entire picture piecing together the fragments like a jigsaw puzzle (another favorite hobby).

Then I speculate what’s their motive for being at the airport, at the arrivals terminal. Yes, it is to welcome someone, from near or far. Who and why? These are the questions I answer when I see people walking through the doors and meeting those who greet them on the other side.

There are a plethora of reactions. As soon as the sliding doors open, eyes dart from left to right, searching for a familiar face. People erupt in laughter while some jump for joy. Others are more cordial.

Their stories feed my hunger. I want to watch their actions, to understand them. Seek out their purpose, values, beliefs, and emotions. I’ve learned so much, and that drives me to continue learning — what makes people tick.

It also helps me to understand my pulse. I’m the one watching others, but how can I stay motivated when no one is watching me?

Stories inspire

An airport is a place that can eat away the time no matter the intention. Who doesn’t love to go to the airport hours before they need to? The stories begin when you enter. Anywhere you go, you encounter people. Some are heading where they need to go and others, are distracted by the duty-free shops, restaurants, and cafes. The most interesting ones are at the arrival gate. Each person waiting gives a clue to their story.

A single person, waiting for their partner, son/daughter, parent/s, or siblings. Some pacing anxiously, waiting for a long-lost friend or lover. Others, sitting patiently, waiting for a family member, a seasoned traveler.

Each scene paints a picture, with their clothes and mannerisms revealing their backgrounds, moods, and personal style. I love guessing their story. It’s rewarding seeing your vision about them come to life when it plays out in front of you. I find myself smiling, feeling the joy they feel. Sometimes the encounter is somber. I sense that too!

Everyone has a story, whether they tell it or not. Stories hold value and meaning. I get to imagine theirs while fulfilling mine. Who would we be without our stories? I find myself, amongst all these people — a grain of sand on a beach. It gives me perspective — reason to step out of my bubble. I am not alone — my story is not the only story.

If you tell me your story, I will read it. If you show me your life, I will draw inspiration from it.


When you pass those doors, it’s not entirely about having reached your destination. It’s the beginning of another chapter. It evokes such emotions, such vulnerability to what lies on the other side.

It is heartwarming to see people reuniting. I remember the time I flew back home with my nine-month-old son after immigrating. I made my way with luggage and stroller in tow towards the doors, emotions running high. I didn’t expect what would happen next.

I’m not one to get emotional, but those doors have significance. As soon as they opened, my eyes fell on my mother. The tears started flowing. She was waiting right in front of me. I felt joy, relief — at home.

Body language and sentiment can convey more meaning than words. These non-verbal cues are clues that help strengthen my observation skills and affirms the universal way in which we all connect.

I’ve seen people hug, cry uncontrollably, and show too much PDA. In one scene, a colorful bouquet exchanges hands. In another, people bow down in respect to a spiritual/authoritative figure and present a scarf as an offering.

Every person there is unique. According to Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, “The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” I have learned to observe without judgment. Stereotyping is pointless as well. I remind myself, there could be someone doing exactly, what I am doing. I wouldn’t want them forming an opinion about me.

Final Thoughts

Due to the pandemic, It’s been a year since I stopped doing something I love to do. I never contemplated going to the airport, even to watch people at a distance. It wouldn’t have been the same. Under normal circumstances, I don’t judge, but these were extraordinary circumstances. If I did go, so would judgment — for not following the guidelines and staying home.

I look forward to the day I can ditch movies on the couch for the real-life movies caught while the camera is rolling.

Human behavior, from what we see and observe from others, can be very revealing. You learn to notice the lives of others and appreciate yours.

As children, we grow up learning from watching others. As adults, we can do the same. Next time you find yourself surrounded by people or bored, resist the urge to stare at a screen and look up instead.

Life doesn’t happen to you, but for you. Lessons can be found in everyone’s story — Shannon L. Alder

Thank you for reading.

If you are interested to read more of my writings, you may read the following one published in The Masterpiece.

