Breaking the Boundaries: Understanding Context Window Limitations and the idea of Ring Attention

Tanuj Sharma
7 min readFeb 22, 2024


Transformers have revolutionized the way we approach natural language processing (NLP) and beyond, powering everything from chatbots to advanced language models like GPT. At their core, these models thrive on context, the surrounding words or tokens that help determine the meaning of the word in focus. However, as we push the boundaries of what AI can achieve, we encounter a significant hurdle: the challenge of the context window.

The Challenge of Context Window in Transformers

At the heart of this challenge is the architecture of Transformers, particularly their self-attention mechanism. This mechanism, which allows models to weigh the importance of different parts of the input data relative to each other, has a memory cost that grows quadratically with the length of the input sequence. In simpler terms, as we try to process longer sequences of data — be it text, images, or code — the amount of memory required to do so escalates dramatically.

This quadratic memory cost poses a substantial barrier to scaling up the context length that Transformers can handle. Why does this matter? Large context Transformers are crucial for tackling a diverse array of AI challenges. Whether it’s processing entire books, high-resolution images, analyzing lengthy videos, or understanding complex codebases, the ability to consider a vast swath of information at once can significantly enhance the model’s performance and the insights it can derive.

To put the memory demand in perspective, consider processing 100 million tokens. Even with a batch size of just one, a modest Transformer model with a hidden size of 1024 would require over 1000GB of memory. This requirement far exceeds the capacity of contemporary GPUs and TPUs, which typically offer less than 100GB of high-bandwidth memory (HBM). The stark contrast between the memory demands of large context processing and the available hardware capabilities underscores the critical nature of this challenge.

Moreover, the demand for models capable of handling significantly expanded contexts is not hypothetical. It’s already a reality, with language models like GPT-3.5 boasting a context length of 16,000 tokens and GPT-4 pushing the boundary further to 32,000 tokens. These models, while powerful, illustrate the growing gap between the needs of advanced AI applications and the limitations imposed by Transformer architecture.

What is Ring Attention?

The crux of the problem with expanding the context window is the sheer volume of calculations and memory needed. The more tokens the model considers at once, the more complex and memory-intensive these calculations become, growing quadratically with the size of the context window.

Ring Attention ingeniously sidesteps this issue by breaking down the input text into smaller, manageable blocks. Each block is processed on different devices arranged in a ring-like structure, allowing for parallel processing. Here’s the clever part: as each device finishes with its block, it passes on crucial information to the next device in the ring, ensuring a continuous flow of context without overloading any single device.

Ring attention is a novel method that modifies the self-attention mechanism in Transformer models to efficiently handle extremely long sequences of data. It uses a ring topology for data communication, where computation and data transfer are overlapped, reducing the overhead associated with processing long sequences.

This method allows for the handling of much longer contexts than traditional models by breaking the input into blocks and processing them in a way that minimizes the need for large memory allocations and intensive computation, thereby improving efficiency and scalability.

Let’s illustrate how Ring Attention operates with a simple example, using an input English sentence and explaining the block division, processing, and combination of values within the framework of Ring Attention. Assume we have the following sentence:

“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

For simplicity, let’s also assume we divide this sentence into three blocks and process it across three devices in a ring topology. Our division might look something like this:

  • Block 1: “The quick brown”
  • Block 2: “fox jumps over”
  • Block 3: “the lazy dog.”

Step 1: Block Division and Distribution

Each block is assigned to a different device (Host 1, Host 2, and Host 3) for parallel processing. This setup allows each device to focus on computing the attention and feedforward operations for its specific block, reducing memory and computational load per device.

Step 2: Local Computation

Each host computes the self-attention and feedforward layers for its assigned block. This involves calculating attention scores and the subsequent layer outputs but only for the tokens within the block.

  • Host 1 processes “The quick brown,” Host 2 processes “fox jumps over,” and Host 3 processes “the lazy dog.”

Step 3: Ring-Based Communication and Overlapping

Once a host finishes processing its block, it begins to pass its key-value pairs to the next host in the ring. Simultaneously, it receives the key-value pairs from the previous host. This process is overlapped with computation, ensuring minimal idle time. For instance:

  • Host 1 sends data to Host 2 and receives from Host 3.
  • Host 2 sends data to Host 3 and receives from Host 1.
  • Host 3 sends data to Host 1 and receives from Host 2.

This step ensures that each host gradually gets access to the key-value pairs from other blocks, which are necessary for calculating the attention scores that involve tokens from different blocks.

Each host holds one query block, and key-value blocks traverse through a ring of hosts for attention and feedforward computations in a block-by-block fashion. As the attention computation is done, each host sends key-value blocks to the next host while receives key-value blocks from the preceding host. The communication is overlapped with the computation of blockwise attention and feedforward.

Step 4: Finalizing Attention Scores

Using the received key-value pairs, each host updates its attention scores by incorporating information from the entire sentence, not just its local block. This step is crucial for capturing the dependencies between words across different blocks.

Step 5: Combining Outputs

Finally, after all hosts have computed the updated attention scores and passed through the feedforward layers, the outputs of each block are combined to form the final output corresponding to the entire sentence. This output can then be used for downstream tasks like classification, translation, or text generation.

Wait, but isn’t attention calculated at once for the whole input matrix?

In traditional Transformer architectures, attention is indeed calculated at once for the entire input matrix. This process involves computing attention scores between all pairs of tokens in the input sequence, leading to quadratic complexity (O(n^2)) with respect to the sequence length (n). For long sequences, this becomes computationally expensive and memory-intensive, limiting the maximum sequence length that can be processed.

Ring Attention modifies this process by introducing a blockwise approach and a ring topology for communication, which addresses the scalability issue in several ways:

  1. Blockwise Processing: By dividing the input sequence into blocks and assigning them to different devices, Ring Attention allows each device to compute attention locally within its block. This reduces the immediate memory and computational load on any single device.
  2. Overlapping Communication: Key-value pairs are communicated across devices in a ring topology, allowing devices to begin processing local attention with partial information and then updating it as more data becomes available from other blocks. This effectively overlaps computation with communication, reducing idle time.
  3. Efficiency in Operations: While it may seem that processing blocks separately and then communicating key-value pairs would result in the same number of operations, the efficiency comes from the ability to handle longer sequences than possible on a single device. The quadratic complexity issue remains within each block, but the overall system can process much longer sequences by leveraging multiple devices. The communication strategy ensures that the additional overhead from distributing the computation does not negate the benefits of parallel processing.

The complexity of computing attention remains quadratic. However, the innovation of Ring Attention lies not in reducing the complexity per se but in enabling the processing of sequences that are much longer than what traditional models can handle by distributing the computation across multiple devices. The quadratic complexity is tackled within manageable blocks, and the ring topology ensures efficient aggregation of information across the entire sequence.

Moreover, Ring Attention’s design aims to mitigate the impact of quadratic complexity by making the process scalable across multiple devices, thus offering a practical solution to process near-infinite context sizes, which conventional attention mechanisms struggle with due to their inherent memory and computational constraints.

Are there any limitations to this idea?

  • Hardware Requirements: The effectiveness of Ring Attention in handling long context windows depends on the availability of multiple processing devices arranged in a ring topology. The approach requires a specific hardware setup that may not be universally accessible.
  • Quadratic Complexity Within Blocks: While Ring Attention can handle longer sequences by distributing them across devices, the computation within each block still faces quadratic complexity. This means there are practical limits to how large each block can be, influenced by the memory and computational power of individual devices.
  • Communication Overhead: Despite efficient communication strategies, transferring data between devices introduces overhead. The system’s overall efficiency depends on minimizing this overhead, which can be challenging in some hardware configurations or for particularly large models.

Disclaimer: The ideas and innovations discussed in this article, particularly the concept of Ring Attention and its application to handling near-infinite context in Transformers, are based on the research presented in the paper “Ring Attention with Blockwise Transformers for Near-Infinite Context.” All theoretical and practical conclusions, as well as the proposed solutions to the challenges of scaling context windows in AI models, are credited to the authors of this paper. This article aims to distil and explain these concepts for a general audience, and any interpretations or explanations provided are intended to facilitate understanding of the original work’s significance and application.

