To-Do List Application In Kotlin Using Android Studio

Tanu N Prabhu
9 min readDec 14, 2019

In this tutorial, let us develop a to-do list application on android studio using Kotlin programming from scratch.

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What is a to-do list application?

One of the toughest skills for people to master is to stay organized. That is why to-do applications are needed. Typically, the to-do list app works well for storing lists of shopping, food recipes and daily activities such as the gym, morning routines and many more. We can store all the items as a list.

How will our to-do list application look and work like?

Before developing an android application, it is very important to sketch it first. If we sketch the app prior, then it will be easy to put all the components together and build an app. So enough talk, let’s sketch now.

Sketch of the to-do list application

So as seen above the to-do list application looks fairly simple to design. Now we have the design in front of us, let us understand how we need it to work. First, as seen in the sketch we need a list to store the items. We need a text space to add the new items (That’s not what it’s called, it’s an edit text…



Tanu N Prabhu

MSc in Computer Science | He/Him | Tech and pet enthusiast | Don’t believe me, read a couple of my writings | Writing since June 19, 2019 |