Hair Thickening Products that Actually Work — Natural and Artificial Methods Listed

Tanya Wilson
7 min readAug 26, 2022


This article is about my experience using hair thickening products as a woman, as well as advising my male and female friends and helping them build a hair regimen.

There are many ways to approach hair thickening products (for women or men) — some natural products, and some not so natural, but still effective and that actually work.

There are 3 categories of hair thickening products that worked for me, and they are as follows:

  • Natural Hair Thickening Products
  • Artificial Hair Thickening Products
  • Top categories (that works best)

Both categories are useful in their own respect, and sometimes can be combined for best results, but this depends on you, and how your lifestyle is, and what you want as an end result.

Let’s cover my top natural products that helped my hair, as well as my friends and family.

Hair Thickening Products Chart

As you can see I have used the above 5 products for various reasons, some were impulse buys, and somewhere I had to research and google on benefits and reviews of what others have said in forums.

Top Natural Hair Thickening Products

  1. Taoist Soap

The first, most effective hair growth product is called the Taoist soap — as it has worked very fast on my own hair growth and thickening regime, but also my friends and family, in the fastest way compared to the rest of the products I have ever used — and this is in the category of natural thickening hair thickening products, as it has no artificial method of enhancing hair — and is 100% organic — shipped worldwide via their website (mentioned below).

I personally saw a good amount of results in stimulating hair growth, as well as further hair loss. This also worked for my male and female friends.

No other method or product saw this significant result in terms of hair growth or stopping hair falling out in the shower and bed. And this is data based on 5 years of experiments on the Taoist soap.

I have posted some details of a few people below, of what they went through — I will post the list of all 203 people we did this with later but for now below should sample as most results were significant enough:

Why the Taoist Soap?

According to the manufacturer, it is inflammation that stops hair follicles from properly producing hair — even if the reason or root cause is hormonal, genetic or dietary — inflammation still plays a vital role in damaging hair follicles to stop producing hair, and thinning it over time — in men and women.

For me personally, it was what gave me the most significant results in stopping further loss, and this is actually vital, according to several dermatologists that I have spoken to from Harley Street — and eventually realized this as my own truth, after trying it out and trusting the process (believe me I hate trusting the process, as not all products are that trustable in the first place).

Where to buy?

Can buy the Taoist soap from their website ( — and if you are in England, you may be able to find it in some stores like nutrition stores or health stores. Their website has the best prices however, and they ship worldwide, so I usually just order from there.

2. Immortal’s Oil

The second product that is a natural hair thickening product, is called the Immortal’s Oil — but you must buy the correct one — as there are a few companies copying the name — Immortals Oil, the original, can only be found directly at their website — I am not affiliated with them or earn anything by talking about them — just wanted to clarify hence sharing a direct link.

It is similar to the Taoist soap in the sense of targeting inflammation — but it also increases blood circulation according to the manufacturer and the reviews that I have read.

The only reason this is second is that you need to apply a few drops and leave it in overnight to get the best benefits from it — although some people have said it helps even if applied for 1 hour and then washed off, from my experience, this was not enough, and needed longer application, including for the family members and friends I have told about.

I saw the most growth when combined with use of Taoist soap — as I was using Immortal’s Oil for a month before I found the Taoist soap; and results were great in terms of hair quality and hair growth speed — results below:

I was using the Immortal’s oil 3 times a week — leaving it in my scalp overnight — but I found massaging for 15–30 minutes all over the scalp, neck and sides of the head was an important part of the application — so were the trail subjects mentioned above in the datasheet.

Some male friends were not able to use the Immortal’s oil as often, but they increased the scalp massage duration to 30 minutes each time per week, and this helped them see results — I know because before some of them in bright light had their scalps visible, but after a couple of months of this regime, you couldn't see the scalp.

Where to buy the Immortal’s Oil?

Their website is the only known source that I have found that sells this ( — they ship from the UK, but ship worldwide. If you order more than 1, they won’t charge additional shipping, which is great for today’s rate after covid.

Next is the Alpecin Shampoo — which I categorize in the artificial hair thickening products.

This isn’t useful for me in the sense of actual hair thickening in terms of real hair growth — but more of artificial hair strand thickening — which is useful whenever I have to go out on a date, and feel like my hair regime is falling apart, and about to have a possible bad hair day — then I use this shampoo — it helps give an instant artificial boost.

I think the caffeine in these products is just hype — but it still has something it does that supports the look and feel of hair, for women and men. For this one, I did not get any male friends to try it, as. they are more interested in actual thickening of hair, so I cannot say much about it.

Note: The vitro tests of caffeine and hair growth only show positive results because the virto does not mimic hormones and inflammation, so hair growth will of course speed up.

Why the Alpecin Shampoo?

For emergency artificial enhancement of your hair, this is a must-have — and very cheap compared to the other products above.

Where to buy the Alpecin Shampoo?

This is also available in pharmacies like Boots, as well as drug stores in England. I am not sure about the United States, but it is also available on Amazon and other similar online websites — so it is very easy to obtain.

Are Hair Growth Products enough to get the results?

As you know, I talk about hair thickening products a lot — but I also have talked about how you need to build a regimen to get the best out of your hair growth or hair thickening regimen — for men or women.

From years of trial and error, trying out various remedies, products and oils, I have found the following methods to work the best for me, whilst using the products mentioned above, to help support my cause and main goal.

  1. Scalp massage for 30 minutes every day without fail — increases blood circulation and also breaks open blockages. The scalp gets blocked very easily as we age, as the capillaries are so small, it only has space for 1 blood cell at a time to pass through — imagine how easy that is to get blocked — and therefore inflammation increases.
  2. Taoist soap 2x a week: I apply the Taoist soap on the scalp itself, not the hair necessarily. This I leave on for just 30 seconds. And rinse off. This helps inflammation, promotes growth, stimulates hair follicles, cleans, breaks down calcification and much more.
  3. Use a Fragrance free shampoo the rest of the times: Fragrance free shampoos are so under-rated — they must be used instead of fancy shampoos that have big brand names. Just a no tear baby shampoo does better than those added with essential oils shampoos — natural or not, fragrance is a neurotoxin, and when hair is already thin, it will suffer.
  4. Nettle Tea every day, at least 2x time a day — This detoxifies the liver from hormone residue, and this in result, lets the body better able to balance the hormones. Otherwise, hormone residue will stay in the liver, causing hormone imbalance.

