Swift Articles that Changed My Life

Tanya Berezovsky
2 min readAug 7, 2018


The Collection of: Must read articles

I’m reading a lot of good Swift articles, but this list is different. Here I’m putting only the articles that blow my mind, which I adore and which I implemented in my Apps. After you reading them, there is no return point to old-style coding, I’m promising.
I’m constantly looking to improve my code. I love simple and convenient solutions that appreciate Apple’s architecture.

Mixins and Traits:

This is my number one! A brilliant article that shows on a use case the power of the Protocol Oriented Programming. You can apply this principle in wide scale all over your Apps and get more reusable and flexible code! What can be better?

MVC -> MVVM What?:

‘The MVVM pattern is an extension of the MVC pattern’ — Matteo Manferdini wrote on his awesome article

I definitely take a lot from his article.

After reading all over the web about all alternative iOS architectures I finally decide to stay with MVC as a solid pattern that can give a lot of benefits if we just use it correctly.

I was looking for simple solutions to deal with iOS Massive View Controllers. Solutions that extending MVC, saving its balance and not violating Apple’s ecosystem.

Routing in iOS:

A Flexible Routing Approach in an iOS App by @Nikita Ermolenko

Another important topic. This article is simply the best and convenient iOS routing approach that I found on the web and implemented in my App.


There are tons of networking articles, but most of them are very basic.
This is the most fundamental article with an updated example on GitHub that I found so far. It’s ready to use. You can simply scale it. With some extension It allows you to have your iOS Network framework.

UITableView — creating forms:

Based on two above articles, I created an example of UITableView with a set of cells implemented in Swift 4.

last update 7 Aug 2018

