Self love.(Key to happiness)

Introvert writes
3 min readJun 27, 2020


“The wise are wise only because they love. And the foolish are foolish only because they think they can understand love,”

(By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept by Paulo Coelho)

"Love" is something that cannot be mastered or learned as it is the feeling that we all have inside ourselves.

All our life we try to find the perfect person with whom we can fall in love and live happily ever after but instead of that we end up having sad ever after.

Why? Are we all doing it wrong or we are just doltish. Well I must confess somewhere at some point we are mindless human beings as Instead of exploring we follow patterns,we are so scared of the consequences that we try to follow what other people had already done in there love life or what we see in mostly all the romantic comedies, we simply develop the idea of a perfect person, perfect relationships , perfect life and that's the bubble we need to burst if we truly want to love and want to be loved.

Perfect is what we need to get out of our head cause perfect never came into existence everything is flawed in some way or another,we all have different kind of traits some of them are good some of them aren't and just to make ourselves completely hundred percent perfect we knock out our head and keep knocking it till we transform ourselves into perfect figure for the world, but deep inside it's not the reality cause that's not what you are deep inside you are a unique individual that you never embraced.

So what if you got some flaws it is not a big deal I mean think about it how hard it can be to love yourself for who you are if you start embracing yourself you will feel a different amount of happiness within yourself , the immense pleasure you've been waiting for,the pleasure you were seeking in someone else.

Once you start nurturing the seed of love that is within you,you will be able to love almost everyone of course you won't love everyone in a romantic way but you won't hate everyone the amount of hate will be less and it will keep decreasing you will gain the virtue of ignoring,you will not judge anyone. Being judged is the biggest fear of our race we are scared of being judged by our friends, parents and society hence running, rushing ,kicking our asses off just to reach somewhere we don't even know about.

So in a nutshell we must love ourself completely for who we are and once we fall in love with ourselves it will be easy to find the love of your life because you will be acquainted by yourself and that is what you will be putting in front of someone else that person will be able to see who you are and not what you pretending to be and that altogether will give him/her the reason to love you more.



Introvert writes

Hey there to all! I am an introvert who loves to read and sometimes write a little so If you like my writings do follow me on instagram @introvert___writes.