Is Duolingo Really Helping Me Learn Korean?

It’s the most repetitive — yet addictive — thing I’ve used to learn languages

Tanya Bryan
5 min readAug 8, 2019
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

I’m having a lot of fun with this language-learning app called Duolingo.

At first, I was only using it to practice my French and Spanish. But soon I added in Korean and Hawaiian.

I was getting bored and somewhat annoyed early on with the French and Spanish on the app, in which I have a base (or better, depending on the day, and how much I’ve been practicing).

Photo by Benjamin Wong on Unsplash

For some reason, I’ve typed, read, and spoken “Juan come manzanas” so many times, I’ve come to think that there are no other fruits en español.

But Juan’s obsession with apples is nothing compared with the fact that Duolingo seems to think I’m a cat en français. Or maybe you are a cat. Are you a cat? Je suis un chat.

And That’s How I Started Learning Hawaiian and Korean

Instead of losing my mind repeating Juan come manzanas and Je suis un chat (I’m not a cat, dangit, Duolingo!), I decided to switch it up and added in Hawaiian because…



Tanya Bryan

Builder of worlds with words. Encouraging creativity, humanity, and humour through true and imagined stories and poetry.