Tanya Cato
1 min readNov 10, 2019

Anytime we make deliberate efforts to improve our mental, emotional, physical, or even spiritual health, we're practicing self care.

Self care isn't selfish and doesn't have to be expensive, or time consuming, but it may take more discipline than you think and it will look different to everyone.

What does self care look like to you?

To me, self care is learning to consistently eat healthy, rest well, exercise regularly, and organize my week so I can give my job, my life, my friends and my family my very best self. By practicing daily disciplines, the "should haves" don't pile up and become overwhelming obstacles, worries, or regrets.

Now I can happily get a pedicure, go shopping, meet a friend, enjoy a date night or family function without a million distractions running in the background. For me, self care will rarely come in the form of sleeping until noon or binge watching movies all day, but self care looks different to everyone and that’s completely okay!!