Understanding The Seven Chakras And Their Techniques For Unblocking

Tanya Natazsha
6 min readSep 9, 2023


The crown of one’s head, the throat region, and the heart area are among the various vital energy centers in the human body. By engaging in yoga postures, practicing specific breathing techniques, or engaging in meditation, individuals can effectively restore harmony and equilibrium to these chakras.

Chakras are an ancient energy system that originated in India and have recently gained popularity due to yoga and New Age philosophies. They were mentioned in ancient sacred texts called the Vedas.

What Are Chakras?

The term “chakra” originates from Sanskrit and denotes the circular or wheel-like energy centers present within the human body. These vibrant wheels are intricately connected to vital nerve clusters and major organs.

For you to thrive at your utmost potential, your chakras must remain open and perfectly balanced. When any of these energy centers become blocked, it can manifest as a range of physical or emotional symptoms directly related to the affected chakra.

There are seven main chakras in your body that run along your spine, from the base to the crown of your head. Some people believe there are even more chakras, totaling at least 114.

What Are The 7 Main Chakras?

The chakra system is a way to understand the energy centers in our bodies. There are seven main chakras, each located along our spine. Let’s explore them further.

Crown chakra

The crown chakra, known as Sahasrara, confidently resides at the pinnacle of your being. Sahasrara symbolizes your profound spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the vastness of the universe. It serves as an unwavering beacon, guiding you toward discovering and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Third eye chakra

The third eye chakra, known as Ajna, resides between the brows, capturing and enhancing your gut instincts. This powerful energy center is the gateway to intuition and is closely intertwined with the workings of your imagination.

Throat chakra

The throat chakra, known as Vishuddha, is a powerful energy center situated in the throat region. It plays a crucial role in our command of verbal communication and expression.

Heart chakra

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, resides near the heart, precisely at the center of the chest. There is no doubt that the heart chakra plays a significant role in our capacity to love unconditionally and express profound compassion towards ourselves and others.

Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra, known as Manipura, is positioned in your stomach region. It influences your confidence, self-esteem, and sense of control over your life.

Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra, also known as Svadhisthana, is an energy center located just below your belly button. Its primary function is to ignite and nourish your sexual and creative energies, empowering you to express yourself with confidence and passion. Additionally, this chakra plays a vital role in your ability to connect deeply with your emotions and empathize with others on a profound level.

Root chakra

The root chakra, called Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It helps you feel grounded and secure, providing a foundation for life’s challenges. It’s responsible for your sense of stability and security.

Unbalanced Or Blocked Chakra

Energy imbalances in chakras can have varying effects. When a chakra is low in energy, it can hinder the expression of its associated qualities. When a chakra is overactive, it can have both physical and emotional effects on a person’s life.

The first chakra encompasses themes of security, survival, and the foundational aspects of life. The balance of a person’s energy levels can affect their mental and emotional state, leading to symptoms such as depression, insecurity, fearlessness without caution, or hoarding behavior.

Blocked Chakra And Health

Chakra imbalances can impact nearby areas of the body, and aligning the chakras promotes overall well-being. Your body parts like organs, bones, joints, and nearby tissues are involved in this.

Imbalances in the chakras can affect our emotions. This might make you feel more angry, sad, scared, or unsure about what to do. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings because they can help you understand why you feel a certain way.

Stress can affect your chakras and throw them off balance. Certain habits like bad posture, unhealthy eating, or self-destructive behavior can lead to imbalances in our chakras.

If you are out of balance for a long time, it can cause physical problems, like muscle and joint pain, and it can affect your mental health, causing feelings of sadness or worry.

How To Unblock A Chakra?

To unblock your chakras, there are simple techniques you can try at home. Let’s explore some of our favorite methods for clearing these energy pathways.

• Take deep breaths

Deep breathing with intention can help restore and harmonize your chakras. By directing your energy towards each chakra as you inhale and allowing awareness to relax as you exhale, you can achieve a balanced state.

• Go out into nature

Walking barefoot in the grass is an easy way to unblock chakras and connect with nature’s healing energy, bringing a sense of peace and grounding.

• Nutrition

Eating specific foods can help balance your energy. Each chakra is related to different foods, so including them in your diet can assist in clearing and rebalancing your energy system.

• Essential Oils

You can rebalance your chakras by using essential oils. Burning them at home helps to unblock your chakras.

• Yoga

When a chakra is blocked, doing yoga can help release it by getting the energy flowing again in your body.

• Chakra meditation

Chakra meditation is a powerful technique you can use at home. It involves focusing on your awareness.

• Tapping

Tapping, also known as EFT, is a technique where you use your fingertips to tap on specific points on your body. Tapping and repeating positive statements can help release emotions that may be blocking your energy.

• Mantras

A mantra is a simple phrase repeated during yoga practice to help restore energy.

Final Thoughts

There are ways to clear blocked chakras. Healing chakras is important for overall well-being and should not be neglected. Prioritizing self-care and practicing chakra balancing exercises can lead to improved health.

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Website: www.tanyanatazsha.com


For inquiries/collaborations:

❝ Tanya Natazsha is a mixed media artist, sculptor, photographer, performing arts devotee, and creative writer. ❞



Tanya Natazsha

Mixed media artist, sculptor, photographer, performing arts devotee, and a creative writer. www.tanyanatazsha.com