Difference between Love and Companionship

Tanzeela Niazi
3 min readSep 18, 2022

There are too many novels and movies about love relationships but too less is said about companionships. Though there is no rule book for both and one can overlap the other yet there is a subtle difference between love and companionship. People often get confused and mix love and companionship because of the complexity of the human relationships. Companionship can be part of love, but not every companionship is love. One can have a lover and a companion in life and they can be two different people. Here are few differences between love and companionship.

Sudden temptation

Love is usually the result of a sudden temptation. You meet someone and you like them instantly for the way they look, or speak or for some other reason which is superficial in most cases. But in companionship you might not have a sudden appeal but have a deep connection. It is more like a friendship but not an ordinary friendship; a powerful one with a strong affinity.

Long lasting relationship

When we talk about a long lasting relationship, companionship wins all the way. Many psychological studies have shown that romantic feelings are short lived and so is love because it very much depends on the romantic feelings. Once the flame of romance extinguishes love dies its own death. Companionship on the other hand is enduring because it is not impulsive.


When two people are in love, they want to spend maximum time together, they don’t like long distance relationships and they prefer to be under one roof, thus end up in marriage. Companions don’t usually get married; they support each other devotedly even when they are miles apart. Companionship does not rely on togetherness but bonding. However it is often seen that married people develop an astounding companionship after spending many years together even when the love between them disperses.

Sexual attraction

Love is not possible without passion or sexual attraction whereas companionship is non-sexual mostly. In romantic relationships, sexual allure is right from day one and it gets increased by each passing day unless off course the overall charm is vanished. But in companionship, sexual desires may or may not be developed, either way it does not affect the eternal bond between the two companions.


A relationship based on love is not always committed. People fall in love but hesitate to commit in many cases. But companionship is all about commitment. Companions prefer to stay in touch and like to share every bit of their lives with each other. They comfort and support each other through thick and thin even when they have a difference of opinion. Companions are like best friends having a deep-rooted tie.

Negative Emotions

There are no negative emotions involved in companionship. People having companion ship are always comfortable with each other, they can share anything and everything, they don’t judge each other and they always try to understand. But in love, positive and negative emotions go side by side. People get jealous, possessive and controlling in a relationship and turn it into a toxic relationship eventually.


Whether its love or companionship few components are extremely vital. No companionship or romantic relationship can survive without respect, loyalty, candor and understanding. Sometimes you find a companion in the person you love, this happens when you get really lucky. Other times you just have a companion who nurtures and fulfills your emotional demands and helps you grow into a better person. Your companion can be from the same gender as well with whom you share a unique bond. When you know the difference between love and companionship, you can enjoy both the relationships with a better acumen.

