Productivity Tool: AI & Filters on RSS Readers to Reduce Noise

Reduce noise and consume valuable content faster.

Tanzir Rahman
2 min readFeb 28, 2022
Photo by Elyas Pasban on Unsplash

The first RSS reader I’ve used was Feedly back in 2016. At the time, I used their API (only available to paid users) to auto-post articles from my feeds to a Facebook Group I used to admin.

Fast-forward to 2022, I found myself in need of tracking web pages for changes. This is the route I followed: I setup automated scraping on certain web pages that pushed data to a spreadsheet, and sent a notification.

The amount of data that piled up required manual cleaning. Hence, I figured, it might be just easier to keep a list of websites as pre-saved tabs and visit them regularly to check updates. RSS Readers came to my mind again, and I quickly discovered Inoreader.

I liked Inoreader, but I needed their pro paid feature of applying custom filters and rules to remove irrelevant content. The $69 annual fee seemed quite high, so I started researching other options. I discovered that Feedly had improved and included AI functionality, and Inoreader pro filtering feature had a free alternate called Feedbro.

I value speed and agility in learning, so I was compelled to buy Feedly Pro. Their AI feature doesn’t seem revolutionary like Google’s recommendation engine, but…



Tanzir Rahman

Product Designer L2; designing polymorphic apps. I write about design, data, engineering, hacking and startups. •