Your First Truffle Dapp — Take 2…Action!

Hugh Knight
4 min readFeb 28, 2019


Where have I been?

So I know there’s been a gap, a very big gap in fact from the time I first started this little series on “Your First Truffle Dapp — An attempt at a beginners guide to the Truffle Framework”.

When I first started the series, it was more for me to get a better understand of truffle in its previous state as a beginner to the framework. I’m still very much a believer in “the best way to learn is to help teach someone”, so that’s what I tried to do. I would have never guessed the 4 published medium posts would have gotten over 15,000 views, with a read ratio of over 60+ percent. Unfortunately, I never finished up the series due to commitments. So I wanted to do 2 things:

· Firstly, show you want I’ve been working on, which will give you an idea of why I wasn’t able to finish up the series.

· Secondly, Let you know that I still intend on wrapping up the series as well as start to post some (hopefully) short posts for beginners, as I feel everyone has to start somewhere at some point in time.

Yes, I know that a lot has changed in the truffle world as well as in the blockchain\smart contract space. So that may require me to go back in some of the upcoming posts and redo some things…who knows maybe I have to start over, that’s the fun part…we’ll see.

Let’s take a look at the first item on the agenda in this post, what I (when I say I, I mean our team) has been working on. I usually leave a small link at the bottom of my posts about the project, but its time it step into the spot light.

The Tap Project and Platform

Tap coin is an Ethereum based token that gives players the ability to export game currency and use it in other games. Thus opening up a new path for decentralized virtual game currency where players control their winnings. It allows you to transfer your coins to the next game you play or keep your coins for more upcoming features. We currently have both android and iPhone game integrated with Unity and Unreal engine plugins that allows for all this interaction between the game world and the blockchain world to take place.

And now the Tap Platform that allows you to do all of this.

Tap Platform

Smart Contracts

What does all this have to do with blockchain you may ask? Well, behind the curtains we have some really well developed smart contracts that handle some really neat stuff. I’ll give a really high level overview of some of the contracts that were developed (and yes, we did use truffle).

· Vault Contracts — Handles storage and distribution of tapcoins required for the platform to function and award users.

· Tap-wallet — Stores both erc-20 and erc721 NFT tokens.

· Drip Bonus Contracts — Awards those on the platform who hold a certain amount of TTT in their wallets with bonus tap every month.

· Tap Conversion Contract — Contract that converts game points to TTT, based on the each games specific conversion value.

· Tap Key — Erc721 contract that provides users access to be able to convert in-game currency to cryptocurrency

· Etc…

There are a few more contracts, but there you have it. Although it seems very basic (without the details), we tried to ensure we kept the complexity level down, but some of these contracts handle some pretty complex functions; some require interaction with other elements in order to complete the roles, so don’t let the simple summaries fool you.

Without overselling too much, even if you’re not a gamer, please check out the platform or even send the link to someone you know that is a gamer. In the next update, we’ll be introducing our challenge system that allows users to link in their steam games and earn TTT. Check it out.

So What Now?

So as promised, in my next blog post, I’ll be going back to the drawing board and trying my best to learn by teaching, so stay tuned.

Join the conversation, follow us on Twitter: @Tap_Coin, Reddit, or swing by and have a chat with us on Telegram: to discuss all things Tap Project.

Tap into a world that is more than just gaming!

