Become a Learner

Taqdees Ahmad
2 min readJun 11, 2018

Learning new things has now become an important and necessary part of my daily life. I strive to learn new things, may it be a skill or some piece of knowledge, even learning a new word each day is worth something.

But I was not always like this. I used to face some challenges when it came to learn new things. The most relatable are:

§ — Thinking whether it is worth my time and efforts? Would it be useful in the future?

§ — How to manage my time to polish this skill by practicing?

§ — What are the necessary prerequisites to learn this particular skill-set and how to obtain it?

I would like to come straight to the solutions or tips that I undertook to overcome these challenges. Some of them are:

§ — Everything you learn in life is useful. It may become useful to you one day or another.

§ — Make a time table and follow it strictly. It may be difficult at first but gradually you would get used to it and actually enjoy that routine as it would complete all your necessary tasks on time. You can also use a Pomodoro or a timer to keep track of your time.

§ — #Just_Start. Just take initiative and try to learn as much as you could and as effectively as you can. Also, you can take the help of a mentor that already have that peculiar skill set as it would speed things along.

I have applied all these tips in my real life.

§ — I learn new things everyday may it be related to my field or not. Learning how to cook, paint and even repair a window is useful in life.

§ — I have made a time table and follow it strictly. Also using a Pomodoro really helps me.

§ — My mentor really helps me to learn new skill sets that he had already learned and we have regular sessions for them.

In short, just learn. Anything. Everything. To the fullest. And you would know that you made the right decision.

