What are the 4 stages of breast cancer?

Dr. Tara Chand Gupta
3 min readJun 10, 2020

Breast cancer is a common type of cancer affecting women. It is essential to know the stage of breast cancer to determine the prognosis and the right type of treatment to get better results. With the breast cancer treatment in Jaipur, you can improve your chances of leading a healthy life. The different stages of breast cancer are:

Stage 0

Also, referred to as carcinoma in situ, it is the noninvasive stage of the disease. So, the malignant cells do not spread to other parts of the breast or body. Based on the area it develops, the types are:

The cancerous cells develop in breast ducts.

  • Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)

The malignant cells develop in the lobules.

Stage 1

It is the early stage of breast cancer where the malignant cells spread beyond the original location but do not spread to lymph nose. The cancerous tumour measure up to two centimetres. It is further divided into two types:

  • Stage 1A

At this stage, the malignant cells spread into your fatty breast tissue. The tumour is either small or you develop no tumour.

  • Stage 1B

The oncologist in Jaipur can detect the tiny malignant cells that develop in a few lymph nodes.

Stage 2

It is the invasive form of cancer where the tumour measure between two to five centimetres or the cancer cells spreads to the lymph nodes under the arm on the side of the breast it develops. It is classified into two types:

  • Stage 2A

The breast tumour is small. The cancer cells can spread to three lymph nodes or no cancer cells in the lymph nodes.

  • Stage 2B

The cancerous tumour is bigger compared (size of a big lime or walnut). But, cancer may or may not develop in the lymph nodes.

Stage 3

It is the more advanced form of cancer. It spreads to several lymph nodes under your arm. But, it may not spread to other parts of the body.

  • Stage 3A

The cancerous cells affect up to nine lymph nodes, which form a chain from underarm to the collarbone. In some cases, it can spread or enlarge in the breast’s deep lymph nodes. You may or may not develop a large tumour.

  • Stage 3B

During the stage, the cancerous tumour grows into the skin around the breast or your chest wall. The cancerous cells may or may not spread to the lymph nodes.

  • Stage 3C

Cancer develops in ten or more lymph nose or it may spread below or above the collarbone.

Stage 4

It is known as metastatic breast cancer. The advanced stage of cancer results in malignant cells spreading to different parts of the body (near or distant from the breast)

With the best cancer treatment in Jaipur, you can improve the chances of survival and lead a quality life. You should know all about these stages.

