The big picture, the small pictures, and the numbers that don’t matter
I LOVE abstract thinking. Finding and applying patterns is how I turn data into information. By relying on summary statistics alone we can turn data into misinformation. We’ll look at some fun examples to (literally) illustrate the importance of looking at your total dataset, getting feedback on your results, and looking again.
In 1973, Francis Anscombe made a quartet of eleven-point datasets that can be described with the same four values of mean, variance, correlation, and best fit line, but they are visually quite different. X1 shows a simple linear relationship with a fairly normal distribution; However, X2 doesn’t have a normal distribution or a linear relationship; X3 has a linear relationship, but one outlier throws off its best fit line; and X4 shows an even more extreme example of a non-normal distribution and a single outlier’s influence on the line.
We don’t actually know how Anscombe made those datasets. Now there’s a great site, DrawMyData, where we can create a dataset with specific stats by clicking points on the graph until we get the summary stats we want, then export it as a csv file. Thanks Robert Grant! Alberto Cairo used that to update the quartet with a charismatic set called the Datasaurus:
In “Same Stats, Different Graphs: Generating Datasets with Varied Appearance and Identical Statistics through Simulated Annealing,” Autodesk researchers Justin Matejka and Geroge Fitzmaurice took that Datasaurus set as a starting point and used 200,000 perturbations to produce the Datasaurus Dozen. The Datasaurus Dozen adds eleven new shapes with the same summary statistics. This whole dataset is available for download with the names of each subset and x-y coordinates. Here is my scatterplot of the whole set with its best-fit line:
Clearly, it is not a very well-fitting line. Suppose this model is accepted anyway, and that a given subset with those same stats is assumed to look similar. Remember, there are twelve distinct-looking datasets hidden in that messy scatterplot (you’ll see them at the end; it’s worth it). If someone were familiar with a specific dataset, they may argue for a different linear correlation.
This gives us an example of the Amalgamation Paradox (or Simpson’s paradox). The Amalgamation Paradox is a statistical a phenomenon where a certain trend appears in different groups of data but reverses when they are added together. Here’s a classic example:
And here is an example within our own data subset:
The amalgamation paradox tells us there may be some confounding variables at play. In the case of the datasaurus dozen, it’s sampling bias. Matejka and Fitzmaurice put a lot of work into biasing each subset’s distribution until it had the same stats as the whole set. This is some truly beautiful sampling bias:
To wrap this up, it may not be enough to take the first look at our data. If our predictions are coming up strange and inconsistent, the next step may be to examine subsets in isolation. For data scientists and pattern enthusiasts, chasing down confounding variables is all part of the game.
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- F. J. Anscombe (1973) Graphs in Statistical Analysis, The American Statistician, 27:1, 17–21, DOI: 10.1080/00031305.1973.10478966
- Amy E. Michel Taylor, Stanley A. “Simpson‘s Paradox: A Data Set and Discrimination Case Study Exercise.” Journal of Statistics Education,
2014. - Justin Matejka, George Fitzmaurice (2017) “Same Stats, Different Graphs: Generating Datasets with Varied Appearance and Identical Statistics through Simulated Annealing”
CHI 2017 Conference proceedings:
ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -
- Wikipedia contributors, “Anscombe’s quartet,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed May 3, 2019).
- Wikipedia contributors. “Simpson’s paradox.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 25 Apr. 2019. Web. 13 May. 2019.