A Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Journey in Quantum Computing

Tara Jones
3 min readJun 11, 2023


Quantum computing is a wild and wonderful industry that’s slowly moving to take its place at the forefront of technological advancement. The potential of it is to offer immense potential for solving complex problems and revolutionizing various industries. If you’re intrigued by the possibilities of quantum computing and eager to embark on a learning journey, this guide will provide you with a solid starting point. Let’s explore the essential steps to begin your exploration of quantum computing.

1. Understanding the Basics

Before diving into quantum computing, it’s crucial to establish a foundation in the underlying principles of quantum mechanics. Familiarize yourself with concepts such as superposition, qubits, entanglement, and quantum gates. Online resources, textbooks, and introductory courses are excellent starting points to gain a theoretical understanding of these concepts.

2. Mathematics and Linear Algebra

Quantum computing involves a significant amount of mathematics, particularly linear algebra. A solid grasp of concepts like vectors, matrices, and complex numbers will greatly assist in understanding quantum algorithms and operations. Online tutorials, textbooks, and interactive courses can aid in developing your mathematical skills for quantum computing.

3. Quantum Programming Languages

To interact with quantum computers and simulate quantum algorithms, you’ll need to learn quantum programming languages. Popular languages include Qiskit, Cirq, and PyQuil. Each language provides a framework to write quantum circuits, execute simulations, and run experiments on real quantum hardware. Dive into the documentation, tutorials, and code examples provided by these frameworks to familiarize yourself with their syntax and capabilities.

4. Online Learning Resources

The internet is a treasure trove of learning resources for quantum computing. Explore online platforms such as IBM Quantum Experience, Microsoft Quantum Development Kit, and the Quantum Computing Playground. These platforms offer interactive tutorials, coding exercises, and access to cloud-based quantum computers, enabling hands-on experience with real quantum systems.

5. Quantum Computing Communities

Engaging with quantum computing communities is invaluable for learning and staying updated on the latest developments. Join online forums, discussion boards, and social media groups dedicated to quantum computing. Participate in conversations, ask questions, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. The quantum community is welcoming and eager to assist beginners on their learning journey.

6. Quantum Algorithms and Applications

Delve into studying quantum algorithms and their applications. Start with foundational algorithms like Grover’s algorithm and Shor’s algorithm. Explore their implications in solving problems such as database search and prime factorization. Investigate quantum machine learning, quantum chemistry, and optimization problems to understand the wide-ranging potential of quantum computing.

7. Hands-on Experiments

To solidify your understanding, aim for hands-on experience. Leverage quantum simulators provided by quantum programming frameworks to experiment with quantum circuits and algorithms. As you progress, consider accessing real quantum hardware through cloud-based quantum computing platforms. Actively experimenting and running quantum programs will enhance your learning and comprehension of quantum computing.


Embarking on the journey of learning quantum computing may seem daunting, but with perseverance and dedication, you can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to explore this transformative field.

The more official advice will tell you to “build a strong foundation in quantum mechanics and develop your mathematical proficiency”, but this doesn’t mean there’s not a role for you sooner rather than that. It’s not just for the experts now. With some understanding of the common programming languages in quantum computing (such as Python), you can easily engage with the quantum computing community, study quantum algorithms, and conduct hands-on experiments with some of the cloud-based and open source tools.

My advice is to embrace the continuous learning process and stay curious, as quantum computing is a rapidly evolving field with immense possibilities waiting to be explored. As we will see in my next post where I will recommend some great open source projects to help you get started!

