Embracing Your Flawsome Self

Tara Kermiet
5 min readMay 19, 2024

You’re juggling a million things, feeling like you’re barely holding it together. Your workload is overwhelming, you’re struggling to balance work and life, and somewhere along the way, you’ve lost sight of who you really are. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? This constant chase for perfection is draining you, and it feels like you’re never enough.

Love Your Flaws sand calligraphy
Photo by James Hutton: https://www.pexels.com/photo/love-your-flaws-sand-calligraphy-7555169/

I am all too familiar with this feeling. I’ve been buried under that mountain of work, trying to keep everything in perfect order. I’ve spent countless nights working late, striving to meet unrealistic standards I’d only set for myself. And it wasn’t until I hit a breaking point that I realized I had to embrace my flaws and recognize that being “flawsome” — flawed and awesome — was the key to my happiness and success.

Feeling Like You’re Never Enough

Many of us are caught in the relentless pursuit of perfection. We see others’ highlight reels on social media and compare them to our behind-the-scenes struggles. We’re bombarded with images of perfection — perfect jobs, perfect homes, perfect marriages, perfect lives. The comparison trap leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

You might be thinking, “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll never measure up.” These thoughts can be crippling, holding you back from reaching your true potential.

Tired of feeling like a hot mess? It’s time to feel like a hot success! Because you deserve to thrive, my friend.

Claim your free 30-minute initial consultation to secure your spot in my Hot Mess Overhaul Coaching Program. Book now — your hot success awaits!

Perfection is an Illusion

The truth is, those perfect lives we see online are just that — highlights. They don’t show the messy, real-life struggles behind the scenes. Everyone has their own battles and imperfections, but we rarely see those parts.

I remember scrolling through social media, seeing friends posting about their promotions, vacations, and seemingly perfect relationships. It felt like I was the only one struggling. But then I realized something important: everyone has flaws and challenges. The difference is, some people are better at hiding them.

Acknowledging this helped me shift my focus from trying to appear perfect to embracing my authentic self, imperfections and all. And that, my friend, is where the magic happens — when we start to see our flaws as part of what makes us unique and valuable.

Embracing Your Flawsome Self

It’s time to stop striving for an unattainable ideal and start celebrating what makes you uniquely you. Embracing your flaws doesn’t mean settling for less; it means recognizing your worth despite imperfections and using them as a foundation for growth.

Here’s how you can start seeing your flaws as the unique strengths that make you “flawsome.”

Embrace the Power of “Good Enough”

Perfectionism can be paralyzing. Instead, aim for “good enough.” This doesn’t mean settling for mediocrity but recognizing that sometimes, done is better than perfect. This approach can free you from the anxiety of always trying to be flawless.

💡Tip: When tackling a project, set a timerd for a reasonable amount of time. Work diligently until the timer goes off, then consider it “good enough” and move on. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive and less stressed you feel.

Don’t let overwhelm hold you back! Discover the magic of effortless productivity and reclaim control of your time with my new online course, “Effortless Productivity: Master Time and Conquer Overwhelm.”

Enroll now and embark on a journey to a more balanced, fulfilling life!

Conduct a Self-Audit with a Twist

Instead of just listing your strengths and weaknesses, try a Flawsome Audit. Write down your perceived flaws and next to each one, list how this flaw has actually benefited you in the past. For instance, being overly meticulous might have slowed you down in some tasks but ensured high-quality results in others.

💡Tip: Spend 10 minutes each week updating your Flawsome Audit. Reflect on how your so-called flaws have helped you succeed in unexpected ways.

Leverage Your Flaws in New Ways

Turn your flaws into unique selling points. If you’re a procrastinator, you might be great at working under pressure and producing high-quality work in a short time. Embrace that and structure your tasks to utilize this strength.

💡Tip: Identify a flaw and brainstorm three ways it can be an asset in your personal or professional life. Start incorporating these insights into your daily routine.

Embrace Vulnerable Leadership

Showcase your flaws publicly in a way that builds connection and trust. Share your struggles and how you’re working through them with your team or social media followers. This not only humanizes you but also inspires others to embrace their imperfections.

💡Tip: Write a post or give a talk about a personal flaw and how it has shaped your journey. Authenticity breeds trust and loyalty.

Develop a Growth Habit Around Flaws

Commit to turning a perceived flaw into a growth opportunity each month. Let’s say you’re not a great public speaker, maybe take a public speaking course or join a group like Toastmasters to improve this skill.

💡Tip: Set a monthly goal to tackle a specific flaw and track your progress. Celebrate small victories along the way to keep motivated.

Living a Flawsome Life

By embracing your flawsome self, you’ll experience a profound shift in how you view yourself and your abilities. You’ll move from a place of self-doubt to one of self-acceptance and confidence. Your imperfections will no longer hold you back; instead, they’ll become the stepping stones to your success.

If you’re ready to take this journey to the next level, my 3-month Hot Mess Overhaul Coaching Program is designed to help you turn your hot mess into a hot success. This program offers personalized coaching to help you reclaim control, find your purpose again, and embrace your flawsome self. Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back any longer.

I’m Tara Kermiet and I’m a strengths-based productivity and success coach. I help busy millennials who feel like they’re barely holding it together and have lost sight of themselves. With my DREAMS Framework™, I provide personalized coaching to turn your hot mess into a hot success. If you’re overwhelmed by your workload, struggling with work-life balance, or just need to find your way again, I’m here to help you reclaim control and achieve your goals. I offer the following services:

🤩 Free content through my blog, Instagram, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, and Medium articles. Follow me and say hi when you do!

📰 Free inspiration and insights through the weekly Hot Success Newsletter. Get one tip, three free resources, and five bonus nuggets every week. Sign up on my website!

🧠 Online courses so you can learn strategies on your own time, at your own pace.

🤝 1:1 coaching and accountability through the 3-month Hot Mess Overhaul Coaching Program or standalone coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs.

📅 Online workshops & webinars for more targeted guidance.



Tara Kermiet

I am a productivity and success coach helping ambitious and overwhelmed millennials take back control, find purpose, and turn their hot mess into a hot success.