How to Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down

Tara Kermiet
5 min readJun 1, 2024

Life can be unpredictable, throwing us unexpected challenges and setbacks when we least expect it. From job losses to health crises to personal struggles, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and knocked off course. Sure, falling down is inevitable, but staying down is a choice.

Photo by Ian Kim on Unsplash

While we can’t always control the challenges life throws our way, we can control how we respond to them. In the face of adversity, we have a choice: we can either succumb to despair and defeat, or we can rise above our circumstances with resilience and determination.

Embrace the Setback

When life knocks you down, it’s easy to feel like you’ve hit rock bottom. But here’s a little secret: rock bottom can also be the solid foundation on which you rebuild your life. Think of it as a reset button — a chance to reassess your priorities, redefine your goals, and realign your path with your true purpose.

Feeling like a hot mess? Life’s too short to feel overwhelmed. Imagine feeling light, free, and in control. It’s possible, and I’m here to help you step into a life of clarity and purpose. Let’s turn your hot messes into hot successes!

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Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, see them as opportunities for growth and transformation. Each obstacle you encounter is is a stepping stone on the path to becoming the best version of yourself. Embrace the challenges, knowing that they hold the keys to unlocking your full potential. It’s in the face of adversity that we discover our true strength and resilience.

Focus on What You Can Control

When faced with adversity, it’s essential to shift our focus from what’s beyond our control to what lies within our power to change. Instead of wasting precious energy worrying about circumstances beyond our influence, let’s channel that energy into action. Take stock of the things you can control — your thoughts, your actions, and your attitude — and focus your efforts there.

Cultivate resilience by taking proactive steps to move forward, whether it’s setting new goals, developing a plan of action, or simply taking care of yourself. Instead of getting bogged down by what’s out of your hands, shift your focus to what you can control.

Lean on Your Support System

Life isn’t meant to be tackled alone. When faced with challenges, having a support system to lean on can be invaluable. Whether it’s friends, family, mentors, or a community, these are the people who offer encouragement, guidance, and a listening ear when you need it most.

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Don’t hesitate to reach out to your support system when you’re struggling. Share your concerns and feelings openly, knowing that it’s okay to ask for help. And remember to reciprocate the support you receive, offering assistance and encouragement to those who have supported you.

Find the Lesson

Every setback, no matter how difficult, contains a valuable lesson waiting to be uncovered. Instead of dwelling on the disappointment or frustration, take a step back and reflect on what you can learn from the experience.

Consider what went wrong and why, but focus more on what you can take away from the situation. Maybe it’s a new understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, or perhaps it’s a realization of the importance of perseverance and resilience. By finding the lesson in setbacks, you can turn even the most challenging experiences into opportunities for personal growth and development.

Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is like a muscle that strengthens with practice. It’s about bouncing back from setbacks and adapting to change. To cultivate resilience, focus on developing coping skills, maintaining a positive mindset, and seeking support from others.

Build resilience by facing challenges with determination and learning from setbacks. Recognize that setbacks are a natural part of life and an opportunity for growth. With resilience, you can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and bounce back stronger than ever before.

Rise Stronger

Life’s challenges may knock you down, but they don’t have to keep you down. By embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth, focusing on what you can control, and seeking support when needed, you can bounce back stronger than ever.

So, when faced with adversity, remember that setbacks are not the end of the road — they’re the beginning of a new chapter. With resilience and determination, you can rise above any obstacle and emerge stronger on the other side. Keep pushing forward, knowing that every setback is a chance to grow and thrive.

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I’m Tara Kermiet, and I’m a strengths-based productivity and success coach. I help busy millennials who feel like they’re barely holding it together and have lost sight of themselves. With my DREAMS Framework™, I provide personalized coaching to turn your hot mess into a hot success. If you’re overwhelmed by your workload, struggling with work-life balance, or just need to find your way again, I’m here to help you reclaim control and achieve your goals. I offer the following services:

🤩 Free content through my blog, Instagram, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, and Medium articles. Follow me and say hi when you do!

📰 Free inspiration and insights through the weekly Hot Success Newsletter. Get one tip, three free resources, and five bonus nuggets every week. Sign up on my website!

🧠 Online courses so you can learn strategies on your own time, at your own pace.

🤝 1:1 coaching and accountability through the 3-month Hot Mess Overhaul Coaching Program or standalone coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs.

📅 Online workshops & webinars for more targeted guidance.



Tara Kermiet

I am a productivity and success coach helping ambitious and overwhelmed millennials take back control, find purpose, and turn their hot mess into a hot success.