Set Goals That Scare You and Crush Them


Ever feel like your goals are a little too…comfortable? Like they’re just safe enough that you know you’ll hit them, but not exciting enough to make you jump out of bed in the morning?

A woman holding a trophy
Photo by Anna Tarazevich:

My fellow high achievers, I see you. You’re driven, ambitious, and constantly striving for more, but sometimes even the most ambitious of us need a little push. It’s time to set goals that scare you, challenge you, and ultimately help you crush it in ways you never thought possible.

Fear isn’t a sign to turn back; it’s a signal that you’re on the brink of something big. Imagine what you could achieve if you set a goal that genuinely scared you. That kind of goal has the power to transform your career, your personal life, and your confidence.

Let’s get into how you can go from “Oh no, can I really do this?” to “Hell yeah, I just did!”

Don’t let overwhelm hold you back! Discover the magic of effortless productivity and reclaim control of your time with the online course, “Effortless Productivity: Master Time and Conquer Overwhelm.”

Enroll now and embark on a journey to a more balanced, fulfilling life!

Why Scary Goals Matter

Scary goals demand more effort, creativity, and perseverance, which in turn, leads to significant personal and professional development. When your goals are a bit intimidating, they push you beyond your comfort zone, making you strive for excellence.

  1. They push you out of your comfort zone. Comfort zones are nice, but nothing grows there. Scary goals force you to step into the unknown, to learn, adapt, and expand your capabilities. It’s in this space that true growth happens.
  2. They keep you motivated. A goal that scares you is a goal that excites you. It’s the kind of goal that makes you eager to wake up and tackle the day, keeping you motivated and driven.
  3. They build resilience. Achieving scary goals isn’t always smooth sailing. You’ll face obstacles and setbacks, but overcoming these challenges builds resilience and mental toughness, making you even more unstoppable.
  4. They foster innovation and creativity. When you’re aiming for something that scares you, conventional methods might not always work. You’ll need to think outside the box, come up with innovative solutions, and tap into your creative potential.
  5. They lead to personal fulfillment. There’s a unique sense of accomplishment that comes from achieving something you once thought was beyond your reach. Scary goals stretch your limits and prove to yourself that you are capable of more than you initially believed.

Feeling like a hot mess? Life’s too short to feel overwhelmed. Imagine feeling light, free, and in control. It’s possible, and I’m here to help you get closer to the life you want. Let’s turn your hot messes into hot successes!

Personalized coaching experience designed to help you reclaim control, achieve your goals, and find balance in your life through the Hot Mess Overhaul Coaching Program. Start your overhaul today — your hot success awaits!

How to Set Goals That Scare You

Setting goals that truly challenge you requires more than just wishful thinking. It involves a strategic approach to ensure these goals are not only ambitious but also achievable. By following these steps, you can create a clear roadmap to tackle your scary goals head-on and turn them into reality. Here’s how to set goals that will push you beyond your limits and help you achieve extraordinary success:

  1. Dream big but be specific. Vague goals like “I want to be successful” won’t cut it. Instead, set clear, specific goals that you can break down into actionable steps. For example, “I want to land three new high-profile clients in the next six months.”
  2. Make them time-bound. Give yourself a deadline. This creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay focused. A goal without a deadline is just a dream.
  3. Break them down. Scary goals can feel overwhelming, so break them into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes them less daunting and allows you to track your progress.
  4. Visualize your success. Take time to visualize yourself achieving your goal. Imagine the emotions, the celebrations, and the sense of accomplishment. This mental rehearsal can boost your confidence and keep you motivated.
  5. Get comfortable with discomfort. Understand that feeling scared or uncomfortable is part of the process. Embrace these feelings as signs that you’re on the right track.

Strategies to Crush Your Scary Goals

Now that you’ve set your ambitious, scary goals, it’s time to develop a plan to achieve them. Crushing these goals requires more than just determination; it involves strategic planning, accountability, and a resilient mindset. Here’s how to ensure you not only meet but exceed your lofty ambitions:

  1. Create an action plan. Outline the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. Break it down into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.
  2. Stay accountable. Share your goals with a mentor, coach, or accountability partner. Regular check-ins can help you stay on track and provide support when you need it.
  3. Celebrate small wins. Don’t wait until you’ve achieved the entire goal to celebrate. Acknowledge and celebrate the small milestones along the way. This keeps your motivation high and reinforces your progress.
  4. Learn from setbacks. Setbacks are inevitable, but they’re also valuable learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward.

Now It’s Your Turn

What’s one big, scary goal you’ve been hesitant to set? Write it down, break it down, and take the first step today. Success is waiting for you on the other side of your comfort zone.

If you’re ready to start your journey toward achieving audacious goals, watch my free on-demand webinar on unlocking the secrets to achieving your dreams. In just 30 minutes, you’ll gain clarity on your goals and unleashing your unique strengths. Plus you’ll learn some practical strategies to turn your dreams into reality.

Take the leap. Your next level of success is waiting.

I’m Tara Kermiet, a productivity coach who helps high achievers kill it at work without sacrificing the people and things they love. I teach strategies for balancing it all with confidence and clarity because success at work doesn’t have to mean missing out on life.

How do I do it?

🤩 Free content through my blog, Instagram, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, and Medium articles. Follow along for daily tips and inspiration, and say hi when you do!

📰 A free weekly newsletter with 1 tip, 3 valuable content pieces, and 5 bonus nuggets to help you take charge, find balance, and achieve success. Sign up on my website!

🧠 Online courses so you can enhance your skills and work-life balance at your own pace, on your own time.

🤝 1:1 coaching and accountability through the 3-month Hot Mess Overhaul Coaching Program or standalone coaching sessions tailored to help you manage your time, reduce stress, and achieve your goals both at work and at home.

📅 Online workshops & webinars on targeted topics for quick wins in productivity, available live and on-demand, with a supportive community.



Tara Kermiet | Personal Growth Coach

Overwhelmed go-getters come to me when they want to keep it together as a balanced badass so ‘How was your day?’ doesn’t trigger a meltdown.