Why Trying to Fit In Will Only Make You Miserable


You’re at a gathering, surrounded by people who all seem to have their sh*t together. They’re laughing, chatting, and effortlessly blending into the crowd. And there you are, feeling like the odd one out, desperately trying to mold yourself into someone you’re not just to fit in. Sound familiar?

positive black man hugging smiling multiracial friends near urban building
Photo by William Fortunato : https://www.pexels.com/photo/positive-black-guy-hugging-smiling-multiracial-friends-near-urban-building-6140657/

In a world that constantly bombards us with images of what we should be, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. We see the highlight reels on Instagram, the polished perfection of influencers, and we start to believe that fitting in is the key to happiness. But sadly, conformity is a one-way ticket to misery. It’s like trying to fit into your favorite pair of jeans from high school — you can squeeze and contort all you won’t, but they‘ll never quite fit.

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The Cost of Conformity

Sure, trying to fit in might seem like the easy way out. After all, who doesn’t want to feel like they belong? But when you sacrifice your authenticity in order to fit in, you’re sacrificing your happiness in the process.

Every time you contort yourself to meet someone else’s expectations, you’re betraying your true self. You’re denying yourself the opportunity to express your thoughts, feelings, and desires authentically.

And let’s not forget about the toll it takes on your mental and emotional health. Constantly pretending to be someone you’re not is exhausting. It chips away at your self-esteem, leaving you feeling like an imposter in your own life. You start to wonder if anyone would still like you if they knew the real you — the flawed, imperfect, wonderfully unique individual that you are.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

You weren’t put on this earth to blend in. You’re here to stand out, to be unapologetically you in a world that craves authenticity. So, why bother trying to fit into someone else’s mold? Embrace those quirks, those little oddities that make you, well, you. Your uniqueness isn’t a flaw — it’s your strength.

Think about it. Every twist and turn of your journey has shaped you into the extraordinary individual you are today. And that’s something to be celebrated. Your quirks aren’t something to hide; they’re what make you shine. So, own them. Flaunt them. Because when you dare to be yourself, that’s when the magic happens.

Feeling like a hot mess? Life’s too short to feel overwhelmed. Imagine feeling light, free, and in control. It’s possible, and I’m here to help you step into a life of clarity and purpose. Let’s turn your hot messes into hot successes!

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Find Your Squad

You know that feeling when you’re with a group of people, and you just click? That’s what finding your squad is all about. Instead of trying to fit into any old group, focus on connecting with people who get you — the ones who appreciate your quirks and celebrate your uniqueness.

Your squad isn’t just a group of friends — it’s your support system, your cheerleaders, your ride-or-die crew. These are the people who lift you up when you’re down, celebrate your wins like they’re their own, and remind you that you’re never alone. So, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and find your squad. Because when you surround yourself with people who embrace you for who you are, fitting in becomes a thing of the past, and true belonging becomes your reality.

Be Unapologetically You

Here’s the thing: society loves to slap labels on us, telling us who we should be, how we should act, and what we should aspire to. But guess what? You don’t have to play by those rules. Being unapologetically you means embracing every facet of your personality — the good, the bad, and the beautifully messy.

Own your quirks, flaunt your flaws, and refuse to apologize for being authentically, unapologetically, undeniably yourself. Because you are enough, just as you are. You don’t need to change who you are to fit into someone else’s idea of perfection.

So go ahead, rock those mismatched socks, belt out off-key karaoke tunes, and dance like nobody’s watching. Because when you let your true self shine, you not only free yourself from societal expectations — you inspire others to do the same.

Stand tall in your authenticity, and remember that fitting in is way overrated.

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I’m Tara Kermiet, and I’m a strengths-based productivity and success coach. I help busy millennials who feel like they’re barely holding it together and have lost sight of themselves. With my DREAMS Framework™, I provide personalized coaching to turn your hot mess into a hot success. If you’re overwhelmed by your workload, struggling with work-life balance, or just need to find your way again, I’m here to help you reclaim control and achieve your goals. I offer the following services:

🤩 Free content through my blog, Instagram, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, and Medium articles. Follow me and say hi when you do!

📰 Free inspiration and insights through the weekly Hot Success Newsletter. Get one tip, three free resources, and five bonus nuggets every week. Sign up on my website!

🧠 Online courses so you can learn strategies on your own time, at your own pace.

🤝 1:1 coaching and accountability through the 3-month Hot Mess Overhaul Coaching Program or standalone coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs.

📅 Online workshops & webinars for more targeted guidance.



Tara Kermiet | Personal Growth Coach

Overwhelmed go-getters come to me when they want to keep it together as a balanced badass so ‘How was your day?’ doesn’t trigger a meltdown.